Page 21 - Texas811 Magazine 2017 Issue 1
P. 21

Can Owners Build or Dig on a Right-Of-Way?

Pipeline rights—of—way must be kept free trom structures and other obstructions to provide access to the pipeline tor
rnaintenance, as well as in the event of an emergency. If a pipeline crosses your property, please do not plant trees or large
shrubs on the right—of—way. Do not dig, build, store or place anything on or near the n'ghts—of—way without tirst having the
pipeline company's personnel mark the pipeline or stake the rightsoeway and explain the company's construction and
easement requirements to you.

We Need Your Help

The nation's intrastructures, including pipelines, are a matter ot national security It you witness suspicious activity on

a pipeline right—of—way, please report it to the appropriate authorities as soon as possible, or you may call the pipeline
operator's numbers. Threat advisories may be tound at the Department of Homeland security's website www.dhs.guv/

Transmission Pipeline Mapping

The U.S. Department or Transportation's oiiice ot Pipeline satety has developed the National Pipeline Mapping system
(NPMS) to provide intormation about gas transmission and liquid transmission operators and their pipelines. The NPMS
web site is searehable by zip code or by county and state, and can display a county map that is printable. For a list or

pipeline operators with pipelines in your area and their contact intormation, go to operators

of production tacilities, gas / liquid gathering piping and distribution piping are not represented by NPMS nor are they
required to be.

Awareness is the key to preventing pipeline accidents. You can contribute to the safety and security of your neighborhood

by knowing where pipelines are, and knowing how to recognize unauthorized activity or signs of a leak, as well as how

to respond in the case or a pipeline accident. Pipeline companies continue to strive to be good neighbors, and just like any
good neighborhood watch program, neighbors look out tor each other. Join in with the pipeline companies to keep our
families safe. '

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