Page 15 - Texas811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 15

Authors Note: Thcfallawing ln]al':rn1Iilm eomairrs arrggesrrorrs god may ulrml to use in walking mm ylerslmvmlfmm the /edrml Deyllzrlrnem‘
Q/Lnbul '5 OCrl4prn‘ll7m1lSrIfc'Iy and Health Admlm'5»‘l1«l!llm. 1: l5 rror ylrcsmttd rI5Ic'g{l1llzdvlr('.A5 lxpplopl'lrII(', wvtsulf rm _l/Lml'Iegl1IrmAnseI
llrrder [hr Oauplzliutml sa/my and Heamr An‘ u/1970, OSHA may rundurf workpllzte ulsptrfmns Io dm‘zl'lulm‘ r/an tltlylluycr ls raltlyllyivtg
wlfll OSHA shzndlzrds
W “mum hm 3 Pl“, the employer tn vnluntzmly abate llre aelran that OSHA lakes as reanlr or the
hazard and to remove zmployena lronr earnplarnl. At Llre nrne of lnspenlon,
Inapeclions are generally rlre sxpaaure. If the employer larl. lo OSHA r. reqnrred to provide Lhe
eandnered wlthout much cooperate, the employer eonlrl be lreld company wllh eapre. of employee
pnnrnonee There are some errnnnally neglrgenr li employeza are enrnplarnr.-, wnlrarrulre employee's
exeepnon.-, but advance notlce will mjumd nr lnlled at rlre one name. Complaints may also eonre from
generally be lea. than 24 hours , police or me departmsnb, local or
2. Falalny or .-evere rnnrry xzaullmg rn _
. . . alaleofflclala,ductnI~w}|o}mv2Ir2at2d
If an employer rrsfuaea Io admll an a falallty, an arerrngln hnapllallzntlnn, .
. enrployeea, and Dlhezs Cumplamls
DSHAcumpl|2mcc omeerrrrrlan an ampulatlon or lo~.s of an eye are . .
_ K V. , — . rnaylre lrlerl vmlhelnlemet, l:A><,rnarl,

employer auernpr. ro rnrerzere v.n.h the OSHA 3 ~2cond puonty. cornplranee 1 11

mspecuon, legal action may be rnniared. Officrsh wlll rreqnenrly show up at ‘" “ ‘P °“‘

For example, rlre compllanne uificur is rlre acenz if they lrear abuul it over (112 4. Program mspetuuna are arrned at
obligated to obtain a azarch warram, rz lnrerner, radro, or lelerr.-ron. Accldenls rnrlnalrree or uccupalions that have
reqrre.-reel. reanlnng m a fatallty mu~t lae repnnerl hlghzr-than-nonnal accldnnt mles
“mm P” and Types at OSHA Io OSHA wldun clght lronn. canalrnenon and rrnlrly wurk‘ are

. , elaa.-reed as high-rate rnrln.rne..

lnspeelrons 3. Emplnyeeeamplarnl.-nlaonr

Them m “X Pnmm mmm fol OSHA alligefdzafety :rolarron:lralr unaafe or 5. Syfiiacial I:rl|pi1\2|~'Is':mgzr1m:|Iazg€l
Wpemom un Ea‘ ywnr lngcon lmnanlay apecl erype.o wnr,o:cup.1 unmoz

reanll m an rn.-peenan. OSHA wlll not

1. Immmnnl danger a-imalrona are lop release Lhe name of «he conrplainam COWWED UN "5515
priority. Tlrere are .-rnrannn. wlrere xi Lhe complalnant

there Isagoud chance Lhe hazard could rzqumtsannnymity. . ‘V I r , . ,
re.-nll lnadealh or .enrnr.- rnrurybeiore OSHAwlll _  n , V -« » g 
the hazard could be ellmlnatzd Lhrough alan keep rlre l 4;. V ., ‘ ' .l ;- A;
normal enroreernenl procedures The ennrplarnarma) . .‘ v‘  ‘ r — " . :,
Compllance Officer wlll probably r1~k minnned Dfany : - ' ! ,,«.  - '2'

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,— V / ..  NV mow the hats.
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 "X-' ‘® halnies lo lil and
, - 9;: HQ 1‘ can fawn: e
  _ 5, -.,~.. > prevzmanauaoefllhtlzulflne
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Wm" 05!-1.4 LYWVN mm, flout ulct (rm; yollvfillyrw arm rl‘/av Hmllm or yr!» ,
Ma msyttlvou Mac: vmpvmmnu ra~aree.r....»-/an. ou‘vlvvv«lg or NH‘ fir <1 wlm‘ M Wlwm
2017,!ssu:2 rarrarrr . 13

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