Page 16 - Texas811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 16

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Cancel Tickets allows you to cancel tickets that were created with your lugm

D A Helpful
Al the Texa»8]1 Damage Prevention Summit in February, we held a sesainn _

to get your ideas on what we should add to our future development plan.-. R

It continues to be our goal to offer our members and exeavatom the most e I I I I n e r
comprehensive and eaay-ID-use unline ticket emy and management tools. .

Texas811 Portal
l‘1ue\~(- do noi ~1\are- your l'nrI.i1
1(v_q1nIntrvrnm|im\ mm 3 our
mwrvrlxc-r.~. Lm:In» trec
and only I.4\I\C‘ .\ sew minute-x
to >cl up iiavimg a .~|n«;|(- nacr
d~~DCle\t(‘d wilh until louin
n\.\1\('~U(1\&t m.»n.\~,~,e-mcni much

Brandon Truly Rebecca Lane mbmil i1\cl’0rtnI(vrim\«'
 1 . 1 , 1. , . “ , ‘ to -|u.<11t_\' my [’ort.i1l‘1u~
‘ j H’ ' ‘I _ “ "_“ “ comm i{€xm'»|(-Appllceitlonx
‘ at 1.v\.1-311 W. Dr
YOU can cfvlitact our RCr‘n(v|C'
gimavifidavflcr ‘ruiy 3 ~‘\PP1‘W"""* 5P<'Ch'>1I>|~ dW<i1.\'
k H , r 1 L 1 _ u 1:
Sim plify Your Ticket Management
Process with KorWeb!
M , k f I‘ _ Offered to
- anage your tic ets rom one app ication AHOKIEEH
- Automatically route or complete tickets Members at
. No cost:
- Search for current or saved ticket
- Map out your daily ticket flow before
heading to the field
Schedule a Demo Today! | sa| | 952.368.1911
14. mean 2017,1:sue2

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