Page 20 - Texas811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 20

°°M"'”H’ "W" “GE 17 agency not associated wtth OSHA - I-rnpetty tratn an per.-onnet
OSHA record, and eotttd be used as the ‘" the ‘°d°’"_'_D°P“’”“°"‘ °f "“"°" - Use the approprtate .atety
. . and tt wtu n..tgtt the the to an .
biI~‘1~‘f()r a rept:atv|nl2ItInn,1ia slrnlla! Adminmmm MW Jud who Wm Equipment and con.trttctton lechruquza
vtotatton is ctted wtthtn a threeyear Eh * h ‘ Th F“ tor every task.
d . edttte a eanng. e tttdge nny
"°"° uphold, mudxiya or elm-mat» any - It you are ttneertatn about how to
Ezcilusz‘ of the .-eyertty of lnjunes and item of the ettatton or penatty the hanrtte a dangerntt. .-tntatton, seek the
treqttency nt death.-, trenchtng and employer ha. challenged. once the hetp ot othezs who ate more tatntttar
confined apzluz Citatiuna OSHA tr.-natty judge has ntted, any party to the case wtth proper safety pmcedurza.
Claaslfiza thetn as ~.-ertotta." Repeat tnay requzal a rttnher reytew by the _ Hm” ‘i D“ have a mum
violations almoal always result tn tnore Revtew Cnmrnlsalon. Rulings of the i H Y‘ Y’ Y ‘ P _ R
szvum penatttee Citations can even be CDrnm|s~‘lOn may be appealed to the ° 3‘ '33 ““ ‘“"‘}’1"°.‘_"“' ‘°“‘“ 3
claasifitd aa"W1llfu1/Cnmmal," and apvmvmm “-5- CW“ °fAPP2a1~'- dlfn °;‘§{lX":’a:;:P°"‘“m ‘"
Cnn1lnal(1'1:'.\xgE~ ean be filed against a W“ is 3 asme "ma sum ‘ 3 ‘ .
contractor or uttltty.
. . Twenty-t'-tve slates and Puerlo Rteo

Ntmce ofcotttest — Anytttne tetthtn 15 admmm ‘hm Wm Safety and mm Daytd Dew t. etafttttttdea errreacasa/ety
working day. atter reCe1plofC|tt1l|Dn~‘ Pmgmh and am mm“! to M tsme and sapaty 7 NEW {turf cf Uvldfrgmuttd
and proposed penattte.-, the eontrnetor Hana my“ Thm mm mm‘ ;1 do I safety Eattitatrtettt, LLC 7 5MppI1('5

has the nghl to ttte a Nottce of Conical. ‘mafia. “Ad en’fu’m mquimmmfj ercayattba srrfcfy prududs and 5et':1ir('5
A copy or the Nottee ot Contest musl ‘hat am at km ah mingm as to (tJrI5;‘1'14(!itm,?).ctw/mUn,t1rIdIIt‘zIII_I/
be gwen tn the zmplo)/et:’~ attthonzert ‘hi Mm‘ mqmemems MM Di mmprmies. neat tfsfzdlzfies at Krmstzs
representative. If an etnptoyee ‘hm mm hm “mum mpemon ctty, Mm, Lafayette, cot, Metapttts aad
bargmmng ttntt doe. not exhst, a copy Pmmdum (0 mm! OSHA Ntzsltzzillc, retta, Ntwfh Lzmc Rork, Ark,
of the nottce rnuat he posted tn a ‘ salt Ltzkc ctty, utatt, and SflI(AY1IrJl(ZD,
protntnent tocatton tn the workplace or For a Gund outcome. . . -rer, Hndcrgmllltd safety zatttptttcttt
gtven to each etnptoyee. Be Pmmm and ‘(NP flmdmu mm pwvtdcs M125, teataz erattpateatt, tepata

. _ 7 semce, aaa stxfrfy II/Iittlttg. vtstt
upon reeetpt of the Nottce ot Contzal, oecttrnng tn the flzal place. How. , V V
. 1l.'wtA/.TrErIL‘It5/zfkly ctart ta wuml

the ate ls gtven tn the ocettpattonat

Smty and Ham‘ Rm” Commmml - Make aatety an ttnpottant pan ot tradeayaottttdsa/ety.cattt

The Cnl‘nl'nl.~a|Dn i. an tndependent Y°“’ °°"‘P““V " ‘“”““* W‘ “W” 1°”

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is . Texzsall 2017, Issue?

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