Page 4 - Texas811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 4

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Q’ Q ‘_ "§".‘..‘ ‘.5. )3?‘  . :AnAindustry growing up and doing
\ -3 '' . - lt nght
y: A I The Next Generation af
“ ‘ Damage Prevention — Texa5811
"fly "9' 1 ‘C ‘  Customized Solutions
  \ ~ -:1 ~
' - The Texas811 Portal
‘ ' \ ~ Continues to In1 rave
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A ‘  ‘L Mock Line Strikes 65* Safety
2 ' . ~ Days and County Meetings
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5 6 ‘H
4_ 1; Upcoming Events
27's.: v 7' 7 ‘_...e, ‘ 
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M7 We 2 From the desk o[M1l<e Losawyer
Texa.«KII re puimhea quarterly
KuguCnX, Publishu Ardis Mun Skzlz, Edna: M/hat To Do When OSHA Comes Knockm’
lndwudual .«ub«(rIptmn.\ are available \\ Ithout charge
in the United Slat:-x
T0.«\\b~(rIbe gu ku Wu-rm. szzrwuzm win Jacob: Perspective
Nu material .r. are publkztmn mzv be mpruduzed in any mm
vuthoutvurittenzunsent Ldmmztand zttwernxxn Inturmanun ,
(untamed m .r,. ,,uer,em  ere“ lmrn W25  to Th-nk You Don t Need 8117
be reliable, but me publlreahon tannut guarantee their aeruraey
Letter», Lumment~,znLt;:‘re enunlraged, ~uhrmt ku Sudoku Puzzle 3! Comm Center OPEHUOHS
emu «emsum| cum
urTe><a.«P§H msxu ureem.ueAre see us» Dallax, Ix 75243
1'/re rumr wntuutw wpwtg/vmt 21117 by Mrs
PVLIVVV9/tn] Apv ,1 21717 /Ul My/Us t(’\L’H/ml
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