Page 8 - Texas811 Magazine 2017 Issue 2
P. 8

The Texas811 Portal Continues to Improve
he Texassll Portal, onhne using My Tlckets, you ean revrew lhe Thrs infnnnallnn remalns vrsllale
tlcket entry and Ilckzl ueleels yDu'v2 suhrruueel wuh your unul you draw the polygon onee
management, eonunues to login ID ln the lasl 31 elays. the polygon rs ulrawn, the reference
grow and lmpmvz Hem rs Pom mm mm also have me pornls are no longer vlsible. You'll

wl\nl'~' new; . ’ ’ ’ slrll neeel to use the Mark mea tool to

4 ablllty Io expon ueleels to an Exeel mmplm your mwmg and Mme an

E“"““‘“l '“‘P'’‘‘‘5 ”*’’‘“d“'‘“‘ immedlzlle llcket nurnher

we've gusl aoleleol bath Cnogle and .

Blng maps to The Penal Io glvz you  °"‘" °P“""’ ““ ”‘"‘" “"5 “"5
ndditlonal lools ID preelsely idenlliy These optlons are hsleel above the ticket
and mark your work area. W2’ve ....a. M. ,,,,,,,,,C,_

rneluelevl rnuluple layers of eaeh lo glve _,,M M‘

you the best yrews possrlale ., VI/1 .. a..  .

The basic mad rnaps presenleel by ":1 ._ _,. ._.: ”
Crnogle Road and Blng Road offzx a "“'“' ‘ ‘ ;;~;;-:g :: :3: 5:53;; 3; 71
elear display ofcltynr1m£~',zo2lds, _, _ vmvlx .._..... .ea.a. nlnv-‘rm

lot lines, zallroad tracks and hoehes ...  M"  

of watnr. coogle Terrarn shows the M '

sarne lniozmatlon wnh Lhe additlun ‘m; f

of shaeleol areas, lanes and nunreneal ,___

values to denote eleyauon Bing Hybzld a_.

uses salellue lmagczy lo pmvlde an we ~

aenal View of land ieanrres, as does  7_;;y-_;;~__,—g,-_~_; _;_~_ 5;; °" "‘”
Crnogle Hybnd, are dcfnull map layer,  ~-

whreh pmminznlly ohsplays sueels and  _......l ._ M l..uv._..

husrness narnes. "“ " you are now able lo view a Trekel

Hrsyory Tlckel Hl~tury shows evexy
> iteration for a ticket, from its first
 ‘W ' l 1 l -~ ' ‘ ej rneepuon Lhmugh all Updates, lzeealls
and No Responses.
Advanced search screen The Copy peaarre rs usearl when
N” sketch Tm; you aye tmallng mulllple t|:kL>L~ wuh
\, sunrlar wurk elesenpnons. ll allows you
The new Sketch Tools help you to more to dupllczlle your contzlcl information
... preersely ldenlify your work area. you and work elesenpnon ln the remarks
ean now plul multiple refzmncrs pornls, seeuon. you add lhe aolelress and map

Enhancements were added several rneasure the dlstzlnce, as well as name a lhe work area

urnes dunng 2016 for l-orlal Plus hne and plot rnuluple cps cooxdlnatza. cuwn/WED aw mg 14
Users Portal Plus users reeelve a brlef

aernonslrauon of all Portal fzatuma y ‘ ‘

lndudlng marklng Lhe workslle on the t'"'* y ' ‘ »

map. onee eenrfieol for l-orlal Plus,  _ .-fl . . A. ~ . '

users reeerve rnuneelrale nekel numbers ‘n: E E7 ‘ < .

when they enter their t|ck2l~ and have r — r —— I ' ‘E y‘l$s‘ea2' ' ' '  " §

aeeess lo aolyaneeol Ilckel management _ _. 7_ V

runeuons  e- ; . :

Pm1al Plus Advanced seareh Fealures “ I - - -- - - -

you ean now pezform searehes ln The , R  V 

Portal golng back to January 2013 for — r

uekels erealeel by ynurcompany. usrng T.‘ ‘  - - - _

(112 following form, you ean seayeh any  3:

31-day penool srnee 201310 seareh fur ~ r ;_

uekels haseel on the eounry and one '_. . ._. .,. " ’ ‘

additlonal seareh Entzria  ' “ “ y-_- — - » M _

s s Texzsall 22:7, hsuez  '

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