Page 13 - Texas811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 13

deslruelive zxcnvatmn and uiiliiy locale iechuelegies, can reduce pmlzct eosls. or cuurse, iu addiiiori to the lrailers,
meiheds are eorisidered Best l-ruelrces Accurding lu the study, uiled "Cust- them are truck Vacs arid cnmpanies

iri mesl slates." lrs also less invasive Savings un Hlghway Praieels Utlllzlng whu pruvide «he vacuum excavaiiuu

and causes less suriace damage, tmffic subsurface Utility Englnezring," services fur «he excavaier.

dlsruprion aud impaci in surface every $1 speuiuu subsurface urillty A_I _ I b _.l _ _ Lh

aeuvilies. Musl uuhues can he quickly Englnezring (SUE) can resull in $4.52 in . ? "“‘ 1“ " E‘ 3"” E ‘°“‘“’'’’'

and eriiciemly uricuvererl. Even smaller, cu.-l-savuigs. “ "" "‘“" ‘“d ‘“9” ‘°"§"““‘ '° 5“

mure cumplex uuluies such as fiber. ".“‘““"‘ “?‘°"““°T‘ “‘.“""‘““‘ 5*‘ *5
Dpuc um and cabm can bi ‘mm some have sald lhai lhe vacuum sue, cleaning up direcaorial bnnng

. . _. _ _ excavator was nothing mure ihau drill sites or working just ahead or
with precisiuu, reaulnng in reduced nsk . . .
Bf damage‘ a high-casi shovel. But in ludays ihe Excavanun arevv expusmg lhe
’ ’ wurld, lhe eusl of a utility damage car. undezgrnund ualrlies.

Lucnting uliliues via vacuum easily be exeeerled by ihe cusl ui lhe .

excavntilm eau alsu resull iu umt iiselr. several types uf vacuum ?'“P“‘Y '”‘P°"‘“5 “"3 “"d°‘5'°““d
subslurilial cust savings. Purdue excavaiurs are available, including a ";"“““‘_"'l;“ :5 ‘"‘_;:’‘‘’‘“L'‘‘‘‘ f” 33”‘
university's Department of Buildlng irailered uuii that can be towed behind 7 ’“5t‘‘“:' “_ P“. _ fps :E"f°5
Cnnstluctlon Muuagemeul published a truck a skid-muuuled uuil that can be ‘"‘P‘:' ““ ’“.§;"_‘ fl” “:1 ’}:"‘

a smdy detailing haw besl practices muuuied (la a truck ur a tracked vehicle  W?“ :1’? “I 3?’ "M"; “:2

iri excavnlinn. lncluding vacuum for use in the pipeline iuduslry. " 9'’ “"‘ ‘es’ ” ° 5“

long wurk day. Q
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