Page 19 - Texas811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 19

« °°”’W”E" “W” “GE 15 - Lucntion and eouehttou of all
_ 2- I - - shut down all Equ|pmente><EEPI underground uhliuei
gé ~‘ ‘ _ _ pumps used for removing water _
. ‘ ' tn the tmmedmle vlumty of the Thm may be a very strong I-zmvtat-an
vfi ~ cave-m. Ltkewtaz, slop or detour all ‘°1“'“P *li°“j" “"° “'9 "WE" '9 ‘W W
‘ tmffi: that might create vibrations d's1;>"“‘€ V';“m= D0 Nf0T Unflrfllnzd
-._‘.‘, ‘v and eau.e 21 secondary cave-in.  y
_ ' ' «Lg - DO NOT attempt to d|g the secundary caveuu.-. Then, all 100 otteu,
victim out wtth 2| backhoe or the tire and re.ucue escort. tum body
' zxcavatur The Equipment may recovery rmteud of re.eue
, 5 I ,\ f""hm"i'"E dm "id"“' Ufmurse, berm than an these
— 0 - - Do not remove the victim's Ioola rmsrtres is avaidittg e cm/2-in in the
, or equrprucut uuht rc.cucr.- arnve at first ylace. Do it ught the flzsl uruc, .o
 - _ r the scene. such items can be helpful mat a ,.M.,e MM, nm,,a,y_ .
t ' ' \._ In locating the vtcum.
In addition, the following miormauon Dam DW 15 w-[wniev UJTIMHSH/My
ahould be collected: 2"; fugvly — "“’WLT(:_’ 17/ UWdvI(tY'°M"d
, , any quzpmzll, ~su;v;v:t5
___, - ' ' Number viwvrkm trapped creeoetum safely prudurfstmdflrvtcea
-  _ whm mg wmm(fi)wh [M M“ to (uttbfvllfflutt,E‘(Ct1Vr1;‘1l7rl,IlrIdIIIi[1;‘y
,._ ‘ rmuprmiea Pram its /zrzhfiea In Kansas
.  - The tune thccove-ru occurmd City, Mu, Lafayette, Cal , M('mphi5 and
t _ Nrrsltville, rc...t., North Little Rark, Am,
a T1“ dew‘ °f H“ ‘"“d‘ Sale‘ Lake City, utelt, and stm Atttema,
- Scul type 'rcr., Urldergrullttd Srvfcfy Equzpmmt
_ An mm“? of how much Sm‘ pmudes 511105,Ifltffllqqulpflifltf, rcpmr
. semzrf, and 5:1/My rretnm.
1”’ ‘°““P"*“ °“ ‘he "““"‘ vtsit www T1't'n(VtSafeI y‘ (um U1‘ www
- The pmazncz or any pomnlmlly Uvtdergrolmdstzfztyram
hannful almnaphzma
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Dale ‘ "
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W "I.---1 -' k. . ,,
.3.‘ Ni.“ 2“_Fl4' 2018    
San M'ar_cos;'.Téxas A -  333.332.3777
' " ' '- 5 ' info@ulasearch com fit
. - . . ' - WORK SMARTER‘
IexasB11.dmugeprevermonsumr" www_“taSea,(h_(om
2017,!ssu:3 re:mss11 .17

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