Page 6 - Texas811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 6

Texas 801 ' Texaslm Magazine
we're mnuinu the Iexaslm W "3 Vamame
Ilamaue Prevention summit to Vllll.

III a new location ill 2019!
So we want to know when you llxink we're doing
M/6 Want your input to well and whal we can do beller.
make our last Summit in
San Marcos great. Please take “few
moments to answer
Pl ‘me tell us wlmt yonfr ' imcnwlcnl in -
‘ledrxiing at the Sumn:il, because our questwrm
the Summit is all about you.
It will Izlkcjml 2| cuuplrs ufnmmlcs. _ I A

Your responses wlll not be z\5snc1z\led Wllh you or
ynur ennui] addresv Conslanl Conlacl will not
share than infurmalinn wilh us,

" ‘:3 " =’- : ,.::- /' -A Q

|I‘nnTn’/||n"nr§Toni¢‘nri ' :  Aw t?e_x3s§’§:} »@,fi§S'"

Slllllllll I ,

ma. .umm.L.=.s.r..a.a new  . 4 

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