Page 8 - Texas811 Magazine 2017 Issue 3
P. 8

—' _ - 3 i —- The Next Generation of Damage Prevention""“
...,. .. . _ . ,.
0  .. , *4‘ r.
- a S . , - Cxzlafill Clwmmlzud SulIItl0n~ are The Next ceneranen er
r V r Damage Pm\'cnt'lon‘ ‘l, oncrcall and damage preyentren
-. . bcn‘lcL‘~ thatmeyebeyend a 1.»nc—~'lzc tat. all ~'1.»1ul|un rer
‘    _ _ all utrhty mumbcri rntn clhmmlzcd mlutren. ~pL‘:|r1lIzL‘d
» u . 4 for eaeh ntrhty member.
_ _ ' - crntemrzed selutren. are lccllnologlcal enhancement. that
. 0 u I l]   :r— go bcyond what I~' eemmenly offcmd m the eneeall lndlhtry
_ Advanccd z\ppll:atlon~ are u~'L‘d te allow Texa.tll1 re preyrde
. , ,_ at eaeh unhty member bpcclzlllzcd acn'lcL‘~. wrth the.e scn'lcL‘~,
'. . -V ‘ _ we beeeme true parlncri m damagn preyennen wnh enr ntrhty
, sg:_q:nnIlaLu.l{e _earcII mumbcri
.x V — r
_ "nu . , , V ' my - ‘_ _ Thcsc -eryree. are ayarlable a la earte, yen ean eyen .-eleet
' ' , lndlvlduzll todcb lo partrerpate.
‘ » . * ' ' Al'IIn1P(\!(:1l'Ilafi‘PCC(OICu5IOm|ZCd S01ullOl'hhK1'\C cnbtol
V, V ,V V r. V . dcvcluplng and mzunlzunmg SL‘tol1daxyRL‘~L‘z\Ich and update
I  -r — ‘ Flltcnng are deducted hem bzlvlngi that yen reeene [mm
cllmllmllng unnL‘:c~'ar1ry l1.»:zlkL‘~, the.-e ~cIvI:L‘~ are cwwcnnzllly
; ' r I‘ . :o~'t—[xL\' te you
. _. ‘ y, = ‘ * seeundary Researeh (ticket screening!
v , ;-j, , utrlrty cumpanlL‘~ ipcnd up to 40% of therr lucatlng budguh en
_ “ ' " . r nntree. that are marked "C1L‘zlmd" er "Nu Cunfllct" by k11cI<lcr1lox
I A _‘ at the werleerte Oftcn these l1.»:zltL‘~ could be cleared wllh morn
” r rL‘~L‘nIch at the netrneatren eenter bcklrc bung bcnl te Iocr1mrs'
' " ' , . unng pr()pIIctaryb()[kwr1rc deyeleped atTexaatl1l, ~pL‘:|r11Iy
> trarned Damage Prcvcntlon Anr1ly~h are able to determrne rt a
V V  - werleate ran be cleared Fer example, a wuxkfltc ean be "cleared"
\' ‘ 3,, when werk r. planned ln the alley and the utrhty lmcs are ln the
; ' - . from of the preperty.
' _, ' _ , ‘ [ 5z\\'lng~' wlll vary based en the number or leeate. a ntrhty rL‘:L‘l\'ca
_ - , per m<lntl\ and the preeraeneax ul therr undcrgmund taerlrty
,_ 2 mapping Ncvcrtlxclcia, ~r1vln;;bhzlvc been very Impn:~bI\'c Ask
»_r - = - u~' abent lk’
' ""‘ ‘ ’ ._ ‘ ' .‘ ‘ update Fihexing
. A 5 Exca\'r1loxb reque.t Updzllu fur twe mas'<ll‘l~' they want te extend
. / the hte oi the treket er the lme.- are no longer ynrble and need re
5 I — -. — / be mmr1rkL‘d.UnIc»you are an erl and gas ntrhty, yen are net
. 3 .V if requrred te re.pend te a llckul that 15 updated only to extend the
" - V ’ if I ‘ hte ex a trelret.
’ .
. ., _ y M J _ A—__‘, update Fllkcrlng eapture. when an exeayater says they are
fr ~ “ I reque.-trng an update te extend the hte of the neket, but they
. , r , de net need the Imcb to be mmarkcd Tlu~ glvm the member
1 a ‘ . ‘ , ‘ 4 the option ui net going baele re the workbltu when the exeayater
: ,4 _ ‘._, ." ' _ ., ~aya the lmci are ml] vmblc and mvmg the a~'buclzlkL‘d leeatmg
" ' r I ‘ cxpcnacb.
.  ‘ , ‘ - I _ ‘ The eentaet eenter ~'L‘nd~' exeayater. an emarl for all notlficatlolw
‘ 1, ' ‘ '  * that are eleared through update Flllcrlng. All update tltkctb
- ' '  ‘ ' »f ‘ ' that de not rnelude "to extend the lrte ex the treket only” wlll be
/, r handled nerrnally.
' - - ~ ' ( ' v V  To learn hew Texa.tll1 Cusmmlzcd Solulmnb ean help yen ~r1vL‘
— ‘ — . - — —— —— - -. meney and better ~'crvc yenr :|I~'mmL‘r~, eentaet a member of eur
r I r I team atMmlburRt'll1!iumGx‘Tt'Xns811 mg fl
, u I
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 errmn’ "I?:—.—"='~’*
: :1 /w,~;~,, 1: p —.
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