Page 15 - Texas811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 15

km, mdm m d,,,m_m mwmhws m iacxhty with heavy eqlupmcnl used (0 got abuut a 20 percent new ran: on the
mg. .,g,,,. P,,,m,_,[mg my Rubm Wd‘ mmnvc dcbns " emau. we sent. we even wmpl through
ttnm .W,..},,,,. Wm my ,mPm,C me , town and put out an utetatute where
y lnvnragud n\ ery loul |n then

and even askcd cut a template to put . A Lh. , d b 31 there might have been a fence down
an um, ,d..,o;. “"°"‘ ‘° 3°‘ ‘ ‘W’ "‘“ “ "‘“‘ 1’ and rcmmdud them to call 811," he
and b|llbo.1xd~ -axd.

‘° ‘“"“““ ‘1“ - CcntnII’cunt’~ eumuutmeut to
°°"‘"‘“""Y ‘° ““ iafctv was cwdcnl as‘ after

am." — _ ' *

t1auu.aud. of man-noun wete

one b1g p.,,1..}.a. ‘\ __ * : ‘E 7 poured mm the |mmL‘d1atn

,a,,.e pmpk. mmht _  '~ rccuvnry cffurl, nu uuune. O!
n1.»lLIunk M a. -,4 _ _~ _ "—' _  metdeut. wete tepuned. All
hung a b1g|»ucioI <._ ; ’ ‘ . ~1_ _ _ the eumpauys pluuumg and
d,]|'n,]g1_‘ ,,,em...a,,, 59,  , _ ,.~ . -3 tmmmg tut .-ue}. a major cvcm

Is thL‘loct1l|un cf - -,- V / ' ll , . . ‘pvt pmved n°l°n1)'he1Pf-Il,but aI~«.»
debn. p|Ics' 7» ~ .,- ~ 5 _..V . llfcaavmg.

"we made signs ‘_, *" I , _ _ ‘(' Ruben ma tl\cy'xC about a
mmmdmg - ., v -c_ — v - ‘ 4 month out fzum the dorm,
hommtwncrs to ;¢ . ~ ' \ ' -' but mu m mtovcry mode.

keep taa.1. and :.<\ ' — "  ‘- "E-j I ~ Re.-meats am s'l|ll dcalmg wxth
deb", away gm. _ a ‘ l. '- - (11: ailcxnmlh m bath te-gum.
112 ‘egg , V . I 

ma ~M.,.t Ea, . w . _. ~ -' Iaume.-. Re.-tetatauu of .emee
mm. m. 0,, , . . ,4 a 1. complctt‘, but them wan be
Pmperty hr-e~v m mtludmg aucxal meuua plutrunm. ‘“”'““5 ““°““ “W “"" Wk‘ ‘1‘°
{mm D! |n tlm teut aneyway sumetuue.- eemmumty a wh-le to be recovered
Pwpk Pm, dnbm by gm mm.” and "we u.eu1 Twitter, Fatcbook and other back [0 mo peteeut.

\’ }‘ d 1 , . . 1 way. to do 1.»utrct1:h.You eau target ,, , , H
:3";:m:,j§f';f,,°a'f,O:f;;,;’,:,T amas and b1a.t me.-.age.. we “ ° “’"‘“'}““$ W“ “W ‘ ‘WEE’ 5
Our Community. Our Safeiy. Call 81 1 before you dig! |
V» 5:! www.shuI|.Iu/pipeline or www.<-zlllll I mom
nuumnn bfiu.
- nu;-I.
Kn “ 
2017 Issue 4 Texxsau . 13

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