Page 17 - Texas811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 17

equal . all umneel. . one Mlmmn. Help your [L‘u(\\’\’bY()K1'\L‘l’
and slslcr. The plxlplc we helped .hll don't have .r heme
to gv:lInl<\alnIg1'\k, but for a low 11mIr~' on Saturday and '
snnelay, we rennnded thcm lhzltthcydldl1’tlmvL‘tv.» go - -
khronlgh llm alnne. There were people who lnved mem and .
cared about lhem. » - '
The amount nl dL‘va~tam.»n wa~ nearly unfatlmnmblc .
to me . lt wa. a. emanehal for me as vmwlng me 9/ ll V
Mcnmnzll |n NYC, l gut lhere on Saturday morning and ,
mere were ml] pcoplc that were ‘u~t .-mndrng ln khclr yards  ‘ .-
lrleeznmlne-~ Thny dldn’tkn<lw whatlmd hltthcm. V _ l . s‘ b /,
The two day~Iwzls mere, we hclpcdlllanullcs and ane ‘ . . ,. ‘ , 0 V ‘Q _( ,
church. we put lempnrary pzltc11L‘~ and lz\Ip~ on rant. ,., _:,‘ Q ‘ 1} ' "5 ,-~r‘ -.-‘ _, ‘-
mlryand kmpanyaddltlonzllmulskunsouhandtnllnlp ll. lv / ‘ _ V ‘ . — 1-
and11aulcdtru:~out1.»iyard~ 1ree.,lreea and nmmkmL‘~ ' a ' _ , ' ~\§
Musqult()~physlcalIythcslzcn[yuurt11umbnall.Tl1cy 5 ' /‘ ' ‘ V “
laughed in men mpcllcnt. l had n1()>qult()bm:~ln plain] ,_ ' I ? ;
can't mcnlmn. l have no rdea how rhey enulel have got mm ,2", ":2 I .; x N
k11o~u p]r1:c~' Youliwtwlnrkcd khmIIg11ll.Hutand humld l ' I .-. _ ,r,,
11avcn'tp11y~I:al1ywv.»rkcd hue t11atltlnpmklaklIyZ5ycar~ " _ __ . *1‘ ; ' ,,—w
My body was ~1.»rL‘ mu mnrnlng. .but my he-an [elk good. __- 4-3;; r —F_ “'-  é '
ln:u:l\'cd c1.»IInllL‘~~ 11ug~',11card cndluw thank van. and “ »e_r‘ ) V  ’
can't remember when l was man: pmud of helm; .r Texan. J gfi  ‘ '7
Qum: pmslbly me mmt rcwardlng 2 day~ I've ever spent In _e. __  ' -
mylllu." _ - «gs -
There r» really llttlnclw to say alter mzldlng ]lmBub'~' 4 r "7 l’ 1.1.‘ ‘aw ,
account Help .- mll heeeled and wlll he rm some mne to g '
eeme — but pleme remember that now, mom man ever, you _ '~
need local] 811. Q; _v ;
_.— K ". l * “}v'g ‘tr ‘*/-£5!   z.7\’§'5‘) ‘if;
“ rev"-*5‘ I F‘1‘—~ ’   7 ‘ -"
 V _v “l.u\w.. . . ,‘ .,
, ‘lib’/vi’ ’  ‘ '  § ~ 
I . '1; Sr» _‘ l ‘ _ I ‘‘‘V », _ r,-.
| Before you dlg,  _-:_ _.  «_~.-; __ 5; 
- - I-,:.*"r ‘ V 5‘ .£'.5§;'§a‘   
- * n (:11 th1s .  e ..  «~.   
-  rs§§l=:v:+.-‘flee 
I r ‘H "1:,r~ it ‘ .,.\J  *4‘ '
Pipeline safety scans . I : .,‘  
(mm the gxound up.
@ Before you dig,
fluyfiflg Dlflymiflzwlflallzllwj bdnveynu
“'"’:Vf1°““"‘?‘:"“°:“’° rl.,.r,...,..;ra»d .... Hr momma-Ame lnranmnlll-om
Y " ‘9- 5 9 3" .,.mx.v....n.l». vhlluhm pnmarzlxpelmesmlrelalza
Iaalmes mum save ym Ma and
Gal mm Illnellrle mew pmenlanmzimnclnmmaa hz
lnlulmfllnn an namagmqmmm,uvnom1zm
\|m:m’:lK,W Hm! ’ In: 2/uvlnmmem”
81.1, ,~; - 4*‘ .
 TO e ow '« ZMAS=':§!+AN
ml!--v-v-we I l l r-up-I/.rvlIf*un4

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