Page 7 - Texas811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 7

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5.. ‘§._-‘—‘. ' PIPELINE PARTNERS“
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gr.  -_ V, _, ,  Boardwalk Pipeline Partners
5 1. a ;§._y Tova‘, is committed to operating
' 1 ll'$;%“3i W" ex"; pipeline assets in a safe,
4 .a""' .i“ ‘EC-‘.1 WM fr
« .-'  ‘1:‘l"  -« - -
‘- e . .. 13%“ L; ,5, reliable and compliant
ii i i5i"1»~".‘ g  ‘A L. '- manner and providing
 _' ..»  l‘ the highest level of
. ~ _ - _
t - " - customer service.
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 .re.e,.e.— GULFSOUTH [gig
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$3;-§,,>§,¢g,,,m @ GULF CROSSING‘
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one iniponani phone call ean help you avoid Hm ‘mun: pmwmh WEN M
anolhei rnajox peolaleni below ground during ihe
(lean-up ii aligging la pan of your wilalfiie ieeevery,
whelhei ieplnoing fence posts, rrspnlling piping 0! cable, . _
demolishing liui-ned oiiiliuilelinga, burying livestock - -
oi any oihei task that iequiies you to dig - always enll '
811 to request the location of underground utilities and
pipelines. V 5. 
when you call 311, a representative will lake ihe locnliun E
and ele.enpiiun of you project and notify affected facility
operators The utility xi pipeline companies will send a ;
plnicsaiunal lncziloz lo inaik Llie approximate location of
their underground facilities Once llnlta have been marked
anal you have waileal 43 houia‘, you can begin lo eaienilly
dig, taking (am to avoid damage to llie marked llniia.
Safety IS a .-hnieel zzapunaibility. Calling 811help~' pniieei
you, your rainily, and yoiii nzlghbumi and keep» your
eoininunily safe and ennnecieel
For additional information iegaieling sais digging
przitlitita, Vhll ‘Il."ll."ZU (ex/15B11.l7l'g '
mxelailiiig saiiiiiiaya, Sundays and Irgrll lialiiiaya, 4.3 liaiiis 15
me lmgrli o/liiiie minim ailiieli wialoivgivaiiiiii l4Iilirl'r5 mils! li.»
maiknl arfluggtrl flfl‘A'l'/U1 511 rt’/]l4('5f I5 laggcd.

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