Page 10 - Texas811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 10

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by on w Emnks
Armos earrgy
n 2005 several or Texas’ largest regularly upgraded by the operator. includes 3 English and 3 spanish
pipeline distribution and . _ _ language television commercials. 3
_ _. . Texas is the second largest state by . _
transmission companies came radio commercials in each language, 3
_ . . size and population. It measures 773 . _
together to torm the Texas Pipeline I _ d d 790 1 _l d _ print ads in each language, as well as
Awareness Alliance (TPAA). The "“ °” W‘ E ““ ‘“‘ 9* ‘’“E f‘“ ‘” multiple digital desktop and mobile
.__ comprised ot 268,581 square miles at ._
group commissioned the creation of d. 1 d _ d W _ Th display ads and an outdoor tormat.
television, radio and print ads using “'2”: ““ “Fe” ““ ‘“ *9‘. E The TPAA ads are rotessionall v
state is home to more than 22 million P >
Amencan Petroleum lnstitiite (AP!) ’ I’ d . b h K '1. produced, consistent across all media,
Recommended Practice (RP) 1162, PEP 2 an gmwmg .3’ " “.'“‘ ‘°“ have been subjected to three baseline
,. . __ _ a year Not only does it contain two of . _ _ . __ _
Public Awareness I’rogram~ for , studies, tested tor ettectiveness, used
.  . the nation s largestand tastest growing _. _
Ptpeline operators (Incorporated by d. k L b I _ I 1 ‘h extensively on hundreds ot television
reterence in tederal regulations) as their ‘"2 ‘l“ ",‘f‘1‘ E I‘ “ ‘f‘:"§““ Y “ *2‘ , F and radio stations and address all
uide The TPAA executes the natilm'~' °"““ '3' ’ 2”” "W" “ ° °"““‘3" “ RP 1162 mandated to ics. The TPAA
g P
_ . . home to st metropolitan areas of over 2 _ _
largest and oldest collaborative pipeline H, d d I _ i 1 000 produces the most extensive and
satety and public awareness mass mil IOl13n al ‘oz,end('0u1:i ies o . detailed documentation ui any pipeline
media campaign fir’ 2”’ °';‘:};0‘°“ E“’_‘ 2” f“'‘g° satety campaign tor all Texas markets
. . ""‘ ‘“”“ ' P°’”°“’ P" ’q“"'° down to the county level, including

The pnmary goal or TPAA is to meet mile in the urban centers and less aumm and dmumion “imam

or exceed the RP116Z requirements than one in west Texas As America's * “

in reachin the attected ublic. This tastest rowin state. over 3 million The annual cam ai n ohectives are

8 P g E P s l
includes reachin the vast o ulation new residents have been added since to continue to build eneral ublic
g P P g P

in Texas with the frequency levels the census in 2010 several suliurban awareness of and about pipeline
necessary to adequately convey the counties have doubled in population satety while reaching into all 254 Texas
pipeline safety messaging and to in each or the past several decades counties. The campaign is typically
convey the message about pipeline while some counties have seen steady concentrated in early spring and
satety in a briet and memorable tonnat. population declines for a generation. will include a proportionate spanish
TPAA utilizes communication liest Texas is a retiree destination and a language reach. Fur the past tew
practices, which in turn aids in reaching magnet tor job growth and young years, advertising has been placed
reach groups with lower awareness tamilies. The state is home to high rise in a spanish language construction
levels ot pipeline satety, as identified apartments and homes with dnveways industry magazine with a large

throu h surve ‘.5, includin women and a mile lon .Texas is also home to the re ional distribution. The media

E > g g g

non-English speakers. natlDn's second largest population or obiectives are to use the most targeted
 §3:523?§Z?r“.?i§’1?§.E2’“';'C?§?Z.£'iu. :23“,§‘?:;;1§““’?£i$:f;“$37,.
hazardous materials pipeline operators . " . ’ . *_P P’ _ ‘ ,. P 3 . 5' _ F

. . the diversity combines with the state s huys tor additional I’SAs using only
in response to the Pipeline satety I _ . . . . .

_ _ _ geograp iic expanse and population high-visihility, high-attention level
‘"‘P""’*"““‘ A“ Paw“ by “"3"” size to make it one uiAm2ri:n'.~' programming to enhance retention and
on December 17, 2002. RF 1162 applies . _ . . '_
most challenging places to plan and to provide detailed county analyses or
to all operators or gas and hazardous . .
mmmh pipgnm immmmum purchase media and to deliver a audiences reached by each medium. ln
* * ' message consistently, ettectively and the past TPAA has utilized print ads in
The RP lays out a clear framework tor . . , .
, successfully. popular women s magazines and radio

d“"'°F““5 P“b“‘ “"'""“°"” "’°5"‘""' and television ads on other s oris such
tor pipeline intrastructiire and targeting ln 2007, the iirst mass media campaign _ . * * * P_ *

. . . . as minor and ma]ur league baseball,
its local communities. The RP identities tor TPAA was launched The TPAA

. . . . . . . Texas college toothall and baslcetball,

tour stakeholder audiences who must media campaign traditionally utilizes “mm 01 m ‘B and mm M 9
he addressed by public awareness local televisiorv radio. intemet, print, ’mm In mzchp; Quad “dime 1%"
programs; local public otticials, community events, interviews and iflge PM (0! Mevm“ inmviém F
emergency otticials, excavators and articles year round. The campaign Wm“ émmd an A“ st 11 WW1;
attected public (the TPAA program's launches with a spi-ing English . _’ V . 5"’ .'_ . _

. . . is 811 Day fur the industry. This is the
tocus). To maintain compliance, language television flight in all Texas dfl dm We remind Emmm 1“ d the
operators must fiml identity all Tv marlrets and spanish in high density P_};“E to can 8" Wm you d’_g_ '
pipelines to he included in the program, Hispanic locales. lt is then reintorced
the stalreholder audiences tor each with print, digital and radio throughout an more in/ortaatioit, visit aw aicbsitc,
pipeline and disseminate intormational the summer and tall. The TPAA mass ‘Il."Il."Il.' pipeline-Sn/E'Iy.urg. For in/vmiatiim
materials about the pipelines and media campaign reaches tens ot on Dermtlivlg a raettiber, please contact
general pipeline safety to recognized millions ot Texans annually and reaches Gary Hines (;(hivtes@5uuIIlzl'vtgn5 org)
audiences. These ettorts are required into each and every one DfTex2l~" 254 972.620.4029
to be documented, evaluated and counties. The TPAA proprietary creative

a . Texzsall 2018, Issue 1

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