Page 32 - Texas811 Magazine 2018 Issue 1
P. 32

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V 9 wiin grnwinginfrasIruL1ure creating a maze nf undergmund utilflies, visually identifying
 lines befnre digging is impaafive. venneenexas-Lauisiana nfiers alull line at undergwund
-rexa5.|_°.,isia.-.3 equipmerlt indufling utility Iocatnls, vanuum excavamrs and hmizonlal diveclinnal drills Ia
safely Imam, idemify and install buried uiilflies. And with 12 Iocalinns acmss Texas and Smith
vmM£si1ExAs.coM : [use] nan-am Lnuisiana, ynu are never more man a phnne call away frnm quality pans. service and support.

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