Page 13 - Texas811 Magazine 2018 Issue 2
P. 13

V v 1 ‘

them are ~L‘lf-inflicted. Tlm c:<c.1\'atnI.
h.- clmm, the unpaclcd ummu. m tlm
acupc at Work and locamh nmkc up A
dmm and Eomplux mam, .anmm.m.
wnh compL‘l|ng mmmx.
Rc~'c.1rch has ~11L»wn u\'L‘r and mu ‘
again: manw um ml to cummllmcalc
L‘Nccu\'cIV\\'1n-‘l up \\'asl|ng lune '
and um-x-gv doing unnc(L‘~~'ary Wm-L
hm“ as .1 Ind 01 undcntandlng
I)‘ what mud» to bc dum'.Tl1csc V ‘
{mm mL‘mbcx'~' alm hm-undmmnd ‘ ‘
each other And thmr pcr~unalIuL\
T1“. hum h-hm m [LVrInl(k\\‘lt11In the -
group and a lack ()1 truat. _ | a
Team» um nunniunxiatc cun\pIctc ‘ .158-
px'L»]L‘(l~ |n .1 quirks! and mum L‘fl1c|cm ‘
amount at time than mhm. Tlmy '
al~u are hm-c accumtc m lhmr hmh ‘ ‘
than those who cm H! cun1mIIn|c.1lc. .
Eflecuvn cummun|c.1liun am
alluwa caih stakcluuldcr group to
uhdmmnd Lhcxr rules and the me. of ‘
c\'L‘x‘VL»nc um In\'L»l\rd. 1: am .1110“-.
each mcmbcx m uhdmmnd what
muxy nL\‘d~ m be done to emu-c a
aucccmkul pxwcct. ‘
Don't dxxrcspcct XHL‘ mr \\‘hr]k I don't
know, Lxpcilnlly u Vnu 1m.-hm mm
mm \\'l1.1lVnu expect. .
Call bukurc Vuu dig’ Q

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