Page 16 - Texas811 Magazine 2018 Issue 2
P. 16

Ch1'efEngi11ezr Hale tells AGC members TXDOT strii/ing to be ”cuns1'ste11t
and dependable" Mnnthly lettings will average $500 million
. .
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' . . ‘ 53: V ' .’1'5§‘f ’l “
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XDOT chtet Englnccr Btu Hnle wht1twL‘ have cnnttng," the chter "Tht1lW0n'th:\ppcn ngtntt," he stud,

L‘mpl1t1~IzL‘d "n.»n~1~tcn{t1nd Cnglnccr ~':\Id, noting TxDOT wank etnph.t.-tztng the dL‘partmL‘nl'~ effort tn

prL‘dlCtt1blL‘”nI()nk1'1lylughwzly Icgulzlr Icmng Iulilratks and 'luvul accelerate pm}cCl~.

VlL‘mng~ tn the $i()K:mIlI10n plt1yIng()pp(u'tunIllL‘~ t1~Kt1Y 21> H “N M bcgmmng 0‘ mm We had
mngl_',vv111lc addrcmxng Auc mcmbL‘I~ construction (0nlmct~ bung 1et. ,,
Wmmdav ‘mum 31 at me mummv scheduled $4.3 htnten tn he let, Halt:
hmchmn —' — ' ~ The highway Icmng lnCrL‘t1~L‘~ teflect said "/\boul$1 2 b)lIn.»n1~ being

ovcrwhulnnng voter xuppurt rot Pmp aczclurntcd to get tn up tn as htnten.
"we'te n1.»wt1l$5.8 htlhttn (tttt the 1 and Pntp 7, and the dcpartmL‘nl'~ we have heen wetkttte ~‘m(‘c the tall tn
f1~Ct1] yeht) we’te nn the mt1dt()S6 commitment:\l~1.»fnll()w< nl()nk1'1~‘ of get up to at htntttn Randy (H0pmal1l1)
htlhnn hy the cndo[t11I~yct1r ~o we n1cul|ngs with z\gcncy1.»ffIc1t1l> and ACC ht» heen \\’()Iklng ten] hard to get tt. I0
11avclh<\~u prnjcch ~01 up to he taken k‘t1dL‘r~. that."
§§;:';;f;t ;'gfn;j;jtf;;;;;;'g;d<;;¥; ThcTrt1n~pv.»rl:\kmn TxDDT1cadcr~'uxpcctaddmonnl
centntt-.ttttt'- 1U—Vuz\I Umflcd $752.5 nullmn tn tech] lcmn v.~, mu
"'°‘°“““""“’ TIan~‘pm’tt1lH.»n Ptegthm L‘~tImatL‘> nnntttn n yL‘t1Y tn de.t,;nhtttId pnnece
Mnnthty Ietttng. WI" mCrL‘t1~C .tntttng a\\’£|Idmg 570 bllhoh tn 12 C:\{L‘gL»nL‘~ and 5313.5 nttuten tn nthet 0kV1lg£\kI(\h~‘r
In March and temp to approximately ever the ncxtdccadL‘,Ht1lc stud, with such n. ptthhc trt1n~purl£\kI(m, RH’
$800 l'hI"|()n 1} month tut May thmugh 45 percent going toward C()ngL‘~ll()r\; 23 qutillly ~‘l|Id1c~, etc
Iuly herete httttn v $1 htuten tn Au 'lI~Kt etcent tttt cttttttecttettv;nnc1 32 ctcent
he  ‘ ‘ ‘tit  and mhtntethttfe "Hg" 35‘ if *mP°;*“;°° °‘ W°'k'"r%
V ‘ _ ‘ Wit /\ Ca cm an K I: agcncyk
TXDDT cxpccb to award hetween 1,000 f::Lf‘;‘:‘:“::“”“'°“ “" '""“d“' ‘" “" ctnnntttntent (0 he "C()n>)~lcnt and
to 1,20tv pm)cct~ .t yent, i\\'L‘[:\gn'\g $300 5 ptecltcthhlex’
nnlhttn n ntttnth when the ztnv fiscal Halt: acknuwlcdgcd the ups and ,, ,
I nt prcttv cenrtdent t11t1lwL‘ have (1115
ycar ttnte sent. 1. dn\\*n~ ttt pn.t munthlv Ictungm ~|I(h ~
~ met up whete wL~ht1vL‘ ~m£\“, nteehntn
,, . n. a tecnta S1 htntttn lcllmg Inst tnn
We want to make ~|Irc tee nte MkW_d A mmh hm mm 1 $1“ and large pm}cCl~ going lhmugh thete.
c()r\s1slL‘ntt1nd dcpcndablc. tchnhte ‘ ‘ ’ we ate taking chte of h 1,UUU—lnrL2UUO
nttlhttn lumng
[undmg V making ~|IrC yml all knnw ptetett pet yeht ttpentttnn V and tee do
expect In hm’: sssutv mI1ll()n pet munlh
(lcmr-t;~)/' he ~‘£|Id. Q
N . Texasfill 2018 Issue 2

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