Page 21 - Texas811 Magazine 2018 Issue 2
P. 21

Texas811 Magazlne and Damage 1-““'°°  /
Preventlon Summlt Feedback Vv «
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Ood news! lrarlrerpanl. at eummurueauarr tool for «he damage when aakcd lo ldnntlfv whal euuld
the 2013 Tnxaséill Damage preuerman lnduslry ln Tzxai Readers havl: been bener, the rap lhree
Prevermur. Summlt were should nxprnas appreeralrun to .sugg2.stlon~ were
asked to pmvlde feedback both Texrwfill and the r1dveztl~v:n

for both the Tcxaafill Magazlnc and «he for publralrlrrg this valuable 1- M“1}'P‘° ~“~‘*‘_'°"~ 0" the 5-‘me WP"
Summlt Parllerpanl. told us that bulh eurruuurueauun tool for our lndlwtry ‘° P‘°"‘d‘ “d“‘"°""' °PP°"““">' ‘D
lhe Summll and lhe magazlnc were T 5“ S . , ““°““‘>

ldcnllficd to be Lhe prrmary sources of “*5 ‘“'“"“" NW 1°‘ ’ ‘“‘“ 2 Adam , . . , I d
rnrrrrmauan for dzlmzlgc prevermar. m °“’ “‘‘“"‘‘°“ ‘° ‘}‘° S“"‘"‘'‘ Y‘’“ “'1' I I‘ r I “la mjmm 0“ M “an
Tim prubably not be surprised lhal Lhe lop W‘ L” 2‘ "PW

" rhree masons peuple eruayed Ihh ye2lr'~' 3. Hm ,,. 3, . 1 ,. d

Texzsflll Magazine: Each of Lhe summu were (lwlcd m pnunty) mg,,m,om,m a D" m °’ an

33,ouu+ marled copll2~ la shared wlth O

2.73 people lhal m2an~ a total of 124,740 1' ""°5"“““3' “’ b" ‘“‘°""““ "hm" “'9 ‘E““>-‘=‘< ‘Mme-1 Ill“ YE” mifim
Peupla luvs the opPo,,u,,,ty 1,, mad ,1“ C1‘"“lg“° lnfiamalze Prevention law~/ «he ieedbaek reeerved over llre past 7
duarlerly magazme. Mum alallsllns, a.- mg“ ““°"” yeah The change‘ Implemented bmh
lknaw how mueh you eruay Lhcm 9247.. 2. Tu parllnpam ln lhe eduealrorral ‘“ “W "‘"$“Z'"= ""4 5“'“"“‘ “Mr 5°‘
of Lhe reader. raled lhe magazlne lo be sesslons '5“ '“°°‘ Pm 5°?" W dmi mu“ 0‘
gm‘ to supnna, Wm, 55.," Wmg the your feedback. we want to thank those
mgmm N mam“ /mPmm_ The 3. Cununun leamlng how we ear. wurk who nrcered suggeallons llu. year a.- lhe
Pop.,h.,.,y D; the mflgmm ,. ewdenced ~aid)'- planning eummmee wlll lake Lheic mm
by lhe fact Lhal nul only 15 ll shared The fact r. lhe Tuxaséill Damage °°“°‘“‘°““'°“

with >0 man)'m1leagucsrbut81‘r”~ Preverruurr summrl Is an exeellerrl several people reporled LhalT2><as811
ntommznd lhc magazine tu olhera edueauunal expenenee. Tlua fact r.- dolng a "gmat lab” advanemg publre
You am Pmbauy mlmmd to km r.- supported wllh lhe following azlicty. So, l<udu. go to Lhe Texa.sll
‘hat the mom pawl“ mmm are lL;xcL;llcnl/uvexly grad r.a/rrngefllra-«rag that board of direclon, staff and member».

., u cxce en ra m . /n

Nude» on damage P'€V°““°“ and ,/N ., 5” ° my 3°” In cloung we warn you to know Lhzll
aafety. Congmtlllatlons to all the ‘“g‘ Wm, dmngza am almdy bang
Wnlcrsr cdmmr pmofmr and graphic - so/36 .-e.-sum. were valuable. draeu.-aed for ncxl year’. summu
am~'ts who asmmble 2-=t1ns~uc» _ 71 /29 flmkm Wm knuwledgwblz wluch wlll be ln calve.lar. on February
Advcrllseza, yuu wlll lrke lu krrow 13 7 101019» Thr ACTS mam fed‘
mm W“, advmhmg dam” am mug - 57/43 speakers were easy to pnvllegcd to be a part ul this lmporlam
“Dawn 49.," of mm, mpondmg understand. edueauunal eueru and we look forward
alway. read ddveztlaemcnts and 100% . 57 /42 ,mg,,,W1 H“ mm as a m smug you In Calveatun. Q

of Lhc excavators/contractors mview remmg CxPe,;enm

Ihc advcrllsemsnls Learnmg abuul

“Cw .“},,,,,l,,g,e, ,. ,1“ numb” one - 52/ 42 chance you would allend next 3 2 _ 1 L! 4 7 9 5
mason ddveztlauments are read OLhcz year's Sum-ml '5 Q 7 9 ljj' T‘ ‘
masons Include umply bclng cunous . (,0 33 I p 1 ., d ,

abouttlm:umpdny’apmdu:l~dnd m;,,,$ ;; ;;:;;:f:';;§,  Elfllflfll
m-l1<i“sbuyIn$dmsIvns- eaueagae.  £
wea.kedabaar.aeprerened  mcnexl~EcuO“fl~kedpaZt‘clPfl“L~tu  IE
Ed: PE“°Y"‘- Y°b“'ve sol ltih rrrdreale are "but parl" of Lhe Summll. :1 

‘ C‘: W W“ "‘"“ 9’ °"“ "" Thu: top three m pnomy ‘hung were: -g 

Lmkedlr. comlng m second and a close 3

.},,,d W, ya.”-.,;,e_ 1. The exeelleru ~‘csalon~ a, 3 1 3 4 M
T1\ebollomlln£~lmplyl~'— 2. Ac--volume: II
Tcxaafill Magazlnc Is an lmpurlant 3’ Nmmkmg oppmumm 2015 mm Tm” . is

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