Page 13 - Texas811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 13

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framework of mu llvea. That's why ldenllfied is to Contact 811 before you weather cnndltlons They band

we have to be so careful about dlgglng dig. You aceaptotesslonalexeavatat. together to ensure every home and

anywhere. until we have underground Let the pmiesstonals at the 811 Center every business is sate, wann in the

utllitles located and ldentlfied by the get In touch with the rlghl persunnel at Wlnler time and tool in the sununet

uhlity omslucahng tepaesentauvewe the utilltycompany. By domg so, the tune. Pmlettinglheirundezgmund

don't know what's under the ground utlllty cumpany can send a pmiessianal inhasttuetute ls senous business with

nDr what might be chstuptecl lt's to locate the ilpplnxlrnnle location of the them because they know the polentlal
impoztzlnl to know the nsks and how undergmund hne before you get them consequences of accidental contact

to avnld gettlng tn,uaed from accldentzll Not only can that save you tune and wlth Iheix utlllty hnes

Contact wlth these buried llnes The money, but can be the dlflerence maker , ,

_ _ Lets du Bur part In helptng them
must olmous and unfortunate cast as to whether you 0! your employees .
V _ . V keep the llghts onby cuntaehngall
ofcontacl wuh pDVt ex hnes or gm gel the opportunity to go home after
. before we ohg and we glve them the
ptpehnes l~‘ lnlury or death the lab. .
chance to help us temaln sate unul we

And that's llke playing Russlan yes su, we all owe out fnends at the move safely away fzom the danger of
Roulette, except with two bullets In the eleclnc coopetatwes, publicly-owned digglng lnlo their buried hnes

gun... probably not a good deeislun anol pnvalely-owned powel (ompanlcs ,

a debt of gratitude tot keeping the “ ‘ “P “’ Y‘’“-' W

Ofcouzse,IhewayIogeIIhe In Lh 1 d _

uncletgtounduulitiesloeateclanol °“"‘“ °"““g'“ ““°‘ " “em

2015 Issue] Tex.:ss11~11

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