Page 18 - Texas811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 18

I P I H I h I.
nsurance rlces lg er or ower?
av Wgmra mm
The Pahcy Center In:
/arxsan M5
cs1dc~ calling your agent now ALL the b.n1ana,;. In nn area/mwn. 1; A) Rad Mmtang, nm~‘, cun\'cmbIc—
and men or npen your bum, a tornado mltbnsnk oculh 7 and ha~ zsy/e dnvcr — smuon new
huwmuth KII'l’1L‘d(\y(\ufi‘[7JL‘hd — a eennaany could gctw1pL‘d()ulm 5 B) Rm (km MP Chmkmi 55 VVVVV
tlunkxngnbnut1n~uIanCL 1 nunulc~’ d _ Saw,” V V

t111.»IIghtsn—bIItl:\kca momcntnow YV VV V1 d V _V V V _d "'“’ ’ "‘“
«>nd|<'t'>~vv-ty<‘ucnn>m>'<‘umlf “"““““‘ ‘“ ““”““ “““‘““" Whlchmthew:mrsduvnutlunkwxll
.en.en.nney. mm, lul'~~'cclmwmlc~' °"W>'M<>'"adM"d PM We =1“-H c(,,,mu,a.(,,,,,,,,ca ‘

gt‘ Nabmmd [or mu MILLION 7 .n ene check The

all—wm.»d building had bccn donated Teeny’. vernexe. are almmt anyer1e..
lldnu~n'tmakturv/y'1'\clhur1t1> to lhcnty. 1: wa. gmommu.~—L‘vL‘n |ns0n1carL‘z\a. And 1n~'nmc::\.~L'~',
c1.»mn1crc\al()I pcr~1.»naI,:L‘rl£\InlhIng.~ had ra1lmadlm:k~ end mend so thc t11cy.1\RE dnvurlc» The computer
arc mic cs:z\Izm.»r~ 7 tucnagcd dnvun pmducb the n.»mpanyn1anIIfa:!urL‘d ”dnvL‘r" .. thc "hcart"and"bm1n"
(~uIpn~cd7), lngh powcmd vchIc1L‘~, could bc loadcd nghk onto me enn. of me vL‘h|clu. They are aim ~L‘n()u~Iy
h1.»|hc~'n1z\dccnmt‘lyo!wood .nul whenmeVVVVmdVVm_VhmVm uxpcn~'I\.cmmpau/replace /\nd,>|ncc
.n me tountrv wnh ne me hvdmnts the \'c111:lc1~ncarlyII<C|D~i wllhnut
, e — b|Il]dIl’Ig\’\’:1~;1Pllfl(\fn'\I|KCl1~KICk> .

nu:\rby.Lct>putthalal1—vmv.»d hnuac OK l_VmVmdm Cd md bmkV_VV Th“ ..V t}...m,.m,1a,,,“,1,,,,1,Cm,,,Pfl,,y
nghtacm~slhc~tmulimmszm me VV id V V ‘P: V‘V_M _ ’ w1Il1.»flcn"mlz\l"a vcluclc,mt11urt11an
GuI!n[Mcx1co ‘CUL\Idh:1VL‘>:1ld VJ“ "‘_*~““l;““ ““b’]‘ “ ‘V V“*V‘“‘(“"P" mpzurlt.

"():L‘z\n[mnt"bulk11u Culfnm up cvcry " °'V“V““5R P‘_’*‘f {‘f ‘‘(:f‘;‘ ,‘V‘;V" Vf‘ V h

 much mv.»rclh:\nthcAllannc '“"V')“; “VVVV 9;‘ L; ‘d " V§\5V ma §mmvVan.v nstcnuplll
Wbmi“youmVVVmmVW1VVVPaVV> ::yV. nod Lrvyoh V1 1.V»o enufln rattan kLrz\ca1rnh or eVmVa,ney nn nee
QummmndVCMVVmVmVmVb” H Elaimc ,wac L: nn;...ueV.V g}(‘\1ngt()rcc()upll ur n~;L.~/LxELn~L~
you m “M Vuppmd m mm A PVVVW a me c(V:ln1fanyV§\;IIrL‘ hLvLr_\:t En; L h \\;‘:|y Vn ylou nl1d n $1.>lKVY,0kYUk1.»;|~c
Wwld yVVuchV“gmVVVMmm_ VVUVVVVVV .Emag..aenan ene V ax/LV VnpV,;ene . um fawn, mw ongwx ma e or
{ht mm mm A guy HVV VVVVV Mmplm vLn Iun~umncL vya~1n\.(: \/L t11al2Umrz\tL‘1ncrca~c of me nrifpnal V
1.»rAlbuqucIqIIc7 New thalc1.»mpa1w'~ rcIn~urancc $90Uprcmxun1mrcxund anurt e 10»

b H V. R "No V d Actually, t111.»~cI<\~~c>:\n:>prcad()ul
V”-3/7 E_"'f,;n;'V §,’h'|gh valxg’? YT“ mm uvur a wide number uf111.»mL‘~1ny<\uI
oh, a «mm nee Knmnn wuuldrfl gr! .. pmdm a  than may be mine ‘;§;j§>'C'f;m;;Vgf ;§V°V;“;;;3'f‘V;;V M
pmbablv. Right t11I~vcar1.»rnnnc!urZU vcars. The > ,3‘ P ,, ‘ ‘ *
‘ naeainanveenapanvelnnxhevnnxe ‘W b“‘“‘‘“‘“5 ‘" °“°“‘«"P“"““‘“'“'
New how about me. .5 n wood hnu.~.c/ the mVVV_u—mcC M —(mm_Vm—Vm ‘V cua~'I:\|, mrn:\d(\ axL‘:\>, mow se 1::
building morn lxkcly m bum an me ‘ * ‘ arca,dII~t>lorn1~, etc. Tluscxpcncncc
In~umncc my m~'umncc c0mpanxc~)

way down man, ~ay, a buck or smnc mm mm 111)‘ Vb value “Vmdw gne. me me proccm nl paying claims
buIldIng7 In dae country or right 111 bmldm ,5 ,, 5 and making a rcmunablc pmm V and
town? How about a ~'pnnklcI system? 5'' t1'u~1s what your ~tatc’~ Inulmncu
What If me building/lmusc1~()Id — 1; yen thunk ab1.»IIl"why” mlc~' arc what Con1m1~'~n.»ncr1> charged with

how are tlmsc clccmcal wm:~ lmldxng they am, you begin to ~02 how you enn Cnfornng 7 Cnnugh prcmlunh to pay
up7 Are the vnlilca .n the ama gum}; cut down on your prcmxunu clz\Im~' and nmkc a mnmnablc profit.
down — or up’ we.-, than are anon ,, ,,

.~'\ul<umIImnccnmkL‘~1trcallvcluzuz nyeu are m~umnccavmIL‘ whcnvml
f1rc~, unlorlulrmlcly) e e
age, age of \'c111:lc, dL‘~cnplmn of purc11a~'L‘ n honm, 11.»! or vernele, you ean
Then, nx cuursc, thcm’~ me enneepx that \'c11I:lc, cnalm vuhxclc. se which nmkc ch()I:L‘~' man can mvc yen ~1.»mc sss
n1.»m~ur:\nccc()m any wanx. to wrm: \'c Iccwx You cmsIInn': Vcara kcrvmr
p V h 1 11, b 5 y I V r
15. mean 2015 ems

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