Page 12 - Texas811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 12

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cm are a cuuplu of amazing nauonal pnonly. VV1Lhout n you can’! opcxatun xL‘~pm1~IbIc Em kccpmg
ran. about water that yuu have yobs, yuu c.1n'tha\'n bu~'mc.s~L‘~, lhn water flowing and sure [or the
may not knuw. hotels or llumna. wa mu~'lm~pL‘El and customers‘ depnndnm upon ans
pmlcct out water unc.-. valuabln mwuxcn
Dnd yuu know
wrnlc hkc tlmnnuaulnctnt Rcccntly, a cunlxacung new wuxkmg
- The average am: my water aupphrsd _
power and farm ungauon Imhzc mu an a nun highway pxoycct was mqulrcd
'° “ h""‘“ ‘“ “W U 5 " “b"“' 52”” ‘°’ lax cit vulumc ul wucx most ever vonu m m1kc a bum undcr a «um }u hvm v
1,UOUgallun>,w1u:h cquala about 5 5 1 ‘ ’ ’ ’ h ‘ 1 1 h ’ 5‘ "
“W M 1 mm mc0gn1zL‘~t1c value ofpmtecung oux x at ran tuougn c mnddlc ufa cny.
3" ‘ P 3 nation's‘ vnal pllbhc water ~uppl1c~' For The hghway alas doublcd a. the mam
- The avuagc Amcntan iamxly um. Dxamplc, shutting down a watnr aupply alrcnl u[ that nty. An am uckcl Wu.-
man: than am) gauom of water pm’ to an auporl, officc Complex or beauty called In, thc uulny cumpan|L‘~ were
day at hurnc. Ruughly 707, cf um um noluficd, the contractor wuma (hr:
ocEur~1nd()0r~. appmpnatn amount of mm to allow the
1x bcl d.All 1 --

- Mm» .“;:.:::.:::aa.,:::;“a.n:::,:;;z;‘“
m<I:m'~' 3”“ %a"°"~ 0‘ Wm M {ha ll)-mch water .n.nn runmng m the
Pm um am. under pavumunt

- Them am an uaumamd 700 water mm may hm hm Mm gm‘

mm ‘wk P” “W 0" M‘mg= ‘H W ma~'cu1~nuK to expose thou: uulmcs n
um w....,..n.n:n. a.;nwaa.;;n
. 307, 9; mm. m ,y,m,,,. .1“. (MM, cunatnunh and (11: fallback uunnung
watu to mom than 1uu,uuo pmpiu am Mk," Cm be mom1m,, a ha,,_m,,,,,g may have bcvnu”1'|1 I-M hm‘ dwprr
mwm. an and an ym, old, Cxpmcm but dmumng H mm than Lhu lmc... VVlmlcvcx the good

. A 4 5. 11 ,1 1 bod aupply m a1.u.pnu1cm.1u1 prove to be ‘““"°“‘ “’“‘ “" “°‘ P‘°P““Y “"P"“"‘3

n If-1 M In mn-an Y -> (“MO hi: the ul|lmL‘~, capccmlly mu watu lmc,

ubfua boa, water and [hm human bram » P » H mmcd am to M a bad chum the

h /3/~ watch Kccvmz 0-" WW And none of mm uh.-rupnun. addxm cunlxactux bomd thmugll the l0—m:h
'"‘”~"“C“"“ ~“° W‘ *l‘1'“b1*‘ '*‘ a mu Impact to tlm walcx .-y.-mm. and water mam

m . nusau mu Issue A

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