Page 18 - Texas811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 18

eyeral weeks ago, a pollllcal figuu: made the
eommen. "...hl:’~ golng to cell lhe lrulh and he
shouldn't woxry, well lhavs so s.lly hecnuse ..’s
e somebody’: vczslun of lhe truth. No. .he .ru.h.. "
. y, _ ' and clanfind .l under que.— by .-mung, "No, .. .sn'l
‘ 1 ‘ V _ |ruLh. Trulh I~n't lrulh " My head .s sull reelmg from
‘ . g_ ._ _‘ .h.s commen. and us It was not only .n Lhc
‘V: -I ‘ ‘- polltlcal sense Lhal l v.ewecl .l, but .n evezyd.1ylIfn,ln
. I « _ hus.nessl.1e and .n my personal l.le. And I do nol buy ..
_,$ . I  g3 ln pasl arnrles, [have made the rommen. that our
ya mdoslry .s Cxtmmzly, .. lac. of wluch we
11-" '-. Q \ are all aw.1m.And murh ol Lhls compenuon .s because
.1 3 . “~ this low h.d .. nwarderl Lhc wozk. But a new form ui
, 1 . ‘ , ,
I ‘  R ‘A __-I con.pel...on has al~o been cmsrglng, namely ~afnI)
1 - I saiely smusucs are like C.AAPl~ foraccounung Much
y f ‘r V hke applying cenerally Arcepled Atcounllng Pnncnales
_ '3! ‘. lo a compnng/s slalemenls for cvaluzlllon and
' .' - ‘A companson, lhere are rules for rcvlcwlng snlery,
‘L , .‘ "‘, \ llkn lhe rauo. denyed {mm lhe OSHA 30.: Lug. a log
n ~ , -__ . where compleuon .s a reqmrenrenl for mos. eompames.
- - . J Adherence lo GAAI’ lnrluenees Iruurancv: nues, bonding,
e _ borrowing and olher banklng relal.on.h.p. and the
. P; L‘ perrewed for a company to he able lo cnmplcle
.he.r work. Now salery srausurs am vlcwed as a
‘- marker for rcducud .nsur..nre nslc lo lhe owner of lhe
- con.-lrucuon manager
so now, many onmers and many ronslrucnon n.anagers/
_ _ general ronlraclors am requnmg lhe suhm.s..on of
- solely numbers as a measure of lhe expecled
- . lhey wlll find .n rhose who are anardecl eonlrarls.
-\ 7 7 _, And .h.s i~ an unclerslandahle and nahle reourremenl.
‘ ’ Bul unfortunately, Lhere .s uxblecllvc .nlerprel..l.on of
a l ' what .ne.denls shoulcl go on Lhc OSHA Lug, lherefnm
, I ‘ lhe numbers and slausues do not truly rellecl lhe
, ,‘ V — — - pcxfurmzmtc rceorcl .1~ lhey ~1muld l have min more
' , V lhan one cxzlmpll: of.1lnalworktlmnInjury ease bclng
  - , ‘ , rerorcled as a medrral only rase rlespue very spec.l.r
' _ #5‘ __/_ '~ ‘H l rules Lha. leave lmle gmy arcn .n making tlm call. or
».  V » , ~ __ 7 pcx}Iap~ an unury where .. drug lesl emerge.
I, _ - A ‘- 3‘ (rm _ ~ ~- so a company elecls nol lo record «he lncldenl clespue
-1 .; ‘-:91 _ _ _ - ! spealie chrecuon from OSHA to .nelurle .l. ln order lo
’ ‘ ' - « have .. lrue .mage ol wh... each and evnry company
' ‘ ‘ ‘is does from a saiery pL‘r~pL‘CIIve, lherc .s no room fox llus.
I __ 1, The compnrnes Lhat pcrfozm one way wh.le porlraymg
, . - : . anolher will ..lnn.alely he cl..-covered. la... lha. may he
_ ‘._”__’_ K as ’ aner a cost to wmk£r~, lhe pro,ecl and the owner
V ,_.-_ - __ K lron.c..lly, llns menrallly has also iuund us way
; « — . , .nlo mduslry sarery awards. The same numbers are
 ~  "massaged" lntu relleenng the ~amc kmd of perlormance
.‘ : . ‘$35,; .,~ . I .n annnpatlon of an award so rhe annrd as, at leasuo
‘ L~ " , '-  me, hollow. To the n><|cm lhal .l .s bung awarded an
. , - __ ' ‘‘ ialuflzd numbers and slausurs, .. .s nreanmgless. And
--= 4‘, ‘ ' lhe to: the pl:r~un who makes .he changes
‘ ‘ _ ‘ .s lhal as the "allercr-.n-ch.ef," they have to mmcmber
. A.‘ . wh.rh yers.on of lhe truth .s aelually lhumxh If lhere
_ __ . .—1.— ' . is only one version, lhe one recorded and enleularecl, lhe
5 » ‘ - m W33, one shared Internally nncl exle.-nally, lhen .l .s en.-y ..
> L , —— _ lhe lruléds lhe lrulh Anytlung else makes ahsolulely no
_ _, - -_,_. , - > A _ ‘-.-'. ser..~.e.
' _ 1 ‘;~ ' - * V Q‘:-'_:!’__ f. M, Igzl ae.~,...., mwr.1ll< (w:1llll‘<l.11lltl);’Ml‘ .:mn.l ml .<.. C.)
< 7 _ y I 1:; ,_ .. .l/1(v  M.../s,  Mm» 7.7 
.- , , s ~-='#_—.r-
16 . nnsau 2013, Issue A

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