Page 10 - Texas811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 10

CONT/NUED FROM PAGE 4 or xcnturcd out in /\T\K and Knlcks
with dctcctmn d1_'\.'ICC~ mounted on
I (hem T111: I~.~uL‘ would mt-» xtably
‘ r — — arm that a .~L‘ctmh 0! line um m an
tuna lr\aC(C~>lbl1_' by fuot or \'L*h1:IL*
Dmnc~ .~ul\/c that pmblcm They
- can be pmgrammcd mm the as
murdllmtcx of.) plpclmk‘ and mu
not dL'\'mtc mm mm pmgmm
_ __ ' ‘ Flymg under the KYCL‘ mmpy
’ and high tL‘n.~mI1 cluctrlc hm
while al~0 ax mdxng truck or me:
l .- bulmpucu-d1|\lc~~t1n1u
Eaxxcr1n.muuvcr:\b1I1tyI~ ccrtamly
2| big >L‘"II\g p()Int,bu[t]1L‘IL‘ are
other ad\'aII[agc~ bung rcahzcd
M by Heath “It’~xnurctlmnyudlcak
.1t~tmmn," P:\ul~t1yx "Smnubody
— + might be building a huntmg xtand
- - - or :1 flowcr gnrdcll on the “gm,
nt—way" BL~cau~c UK the mac:
_ ‘ m~pcCtmn .~\\u1t1'\, cuntmunl video

(apu}bI1IUl_'\()f[hl_' dmnt-'. (t1nIcra~
and the ability [0 got much
tn the R—D—W, l.mdmmcr~ can

ht» rmnncd more caxlly that mm
pnuccl ;~ not permitted. Clmckx can
my be done to tmd cxpoml pipcx
after :1 flood and can bc uwd [or

u ’\ /\
1 I
- Safe IS a (4 e at Luolden Pass
- Before you d1g, ‘V
. .
' ' II 811
- n d1g th1s. v
r» , _ - d1g an Texas.
Pxpelme saiety starts 3 . I
(mm the gmund up. ‘ _ tune
. . , ,, _
_ 1 ‘ 
Always call E11 Izelme
ynu uig. It's the law
Gd nun: Inneline SIIIW
mlumtahnn :|
unm-ny cum. (m :w Rt-—‘ FHMH :1: u H‘ >LH F’-~»n,,«w H Lw
8:" TO J
-"’.:.1.:.:::::u.t. . ~ .  /f-1 
3 . mm 2019 W 1

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