Page 11 - Texas811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 11

vngntatlun mr1nzlgnmcnt— alt.-eeyertng whether rt’. been

cut back along the R-O-W and n at’: been alone pmpclly

And Paul say~ thr. technology h bung meal ln mom 3 O A R D WA L K

lnduatllm than lualoll and gas Elcclnc eornparnea are

bcglnnlng to use UAV. to lrhpcct htgh tL‘n~lon hne.-

and wlnd tuxblnewu Paul ~r1ld that ln tlm past, fixed

wlng alrcrail and lmllcuplcxs were u~r:d, whlch a. very

 ana drmgcmus, epeaalty when .t  PIPE um E PARTN ERS*

teehnretan. lmnglng from a hehenpter. "Them are nnt .n

rnany tl\lng~ that make drone. chuapcr and safcx." B . .

' oardwalk Pl ellne Partners

saiety, as r1lwr1y.~,h a key factor when zldoptlng new P

technology and wmctlung that r. alwaya on the mlnd~ is com mitted to operating
cf elrane opcratun Is the safety and lcgzlllty of pllutlng

them ln \‘r1nuIl~ area.. Paul aarel that a hat of what they pipefine assets in a safe’

do n rnral, but when they enter mum nrhan area~, they

have to be aware of the dlffcmnt mgulatlons they may ‘ '

untountu Fcdcral Avlatlon Adnllnlslmtlon(FAA)r1nd   b N e a   m   

.tate rcgulr1llon~ are thanglng qulckly, but not qullc ' '

aw‘ qnrekly a. UAV(CC1\nUlOgyls advanclng. For the man “er and Pr°V'd' ng
moat part, heweyer, Paul fculi that rule maker. keep -

I1'1L‘|n(Cl’Cah of ptpehne and nnhty tompanlcs (wluch the ["9 hest level of

affcct all stakeholdcm) ln mlnd. Them are vaxlous drone *

 LhatHcr1th bnlongs to, lncludlng  .peane C "$10019? 5e|’V|Ce-

/*\ B o A R D WA L K
V ‘ . - -e - 4I...=>.:..*.=:.::':2 Gulrcaossm
/‘Q .' v,--- - -;g 47} rwslmz
/u ' ’ Illllflllll "°“"°"‘“""‘
- V «4 . I ‘ lmuunun szrinLm:vluLul:
, 1Elusluvu5lArt,uc
, - 3‘ ::::*‘* .

tn the cnugy aeetor, ~u they ean alay lnfurmnd of any -

new mgulzlllons or legnlatron aa |t ls bung ennmlered. 

Later lhls year, Heath r. looklng to expand then hne 5

Iucallng .emee. tn uffcr a enntraet survlcc uilng dmnc »

technology to lnspcct plpcst But thL‘y’m al~u devcloplng

UAV~ to sell to contractors. ”lf lhcmk a ACIVICC pmvldu fl

that want. to do leak dctnctlan, they could buy mm

from n. and get mic that lan.-rne.-.. A tmn~mls~1on gm mags bghw,
company that wanta to do then own tn.-peetren. ennlal can wmmfiy

buy one from us ur hlrc us In do ll aw‘ cunlractur” Paul

.a.a annther optlon |s lo pllrthasc ,n.t the aleteetren

eqntpanent anel nattwate and add ll te then ewn drone.

As cxcmng a. the.~e aleyelapnaent. are, Heath ..n't elnne.

Paul Wchncn CXPCCN Hcatlu Comultr1nl~ to cuntlnuc

to leaal ln the eleyeloprnent anel adaplatlon ui new

teehnolegrea to make all zlapctla of the energy lndualry

safer and mom cfflclunl [ox yeah. to eorne. Q

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