Page 3 - Texas811 Magazine 2019 Issue 1
P. 3

M   ,,, T
, e are enthusiastic about the suture of
Wour lnduslry and proud to help our
L _ membership meet worthwhile goals
like reducing clamages and creating a sater Texas
fur everyone. we truly believe this is going In
\ be the best year yet for damage prevention and
public saiety. lt has been suoh a pleasure in be a
part of an industry that is embracing technology
and using II to get closer to zero waste and zero
we are helping our members in ways we have
never been able to in the past, and the technology
we are putting in their hands is enabling them to
reduce damages by 30% and sometimes morel The job ui sate excnvztlnn is
so important and the Texassll membership really rises to the Dccasiun. But
we still have work to do, and at least for now, our industry isn't showing
any signs of slowing. The number of excavators we help dig sately has been
growing for the past several years and loolrs to continue to grow in 2019.
Join us at the Damage Prevention summit in Galveston to see how we are
working with operators and excavators to protect the underground in Texas
and provide a sate excavating expeiienee for all involved.
Chris Sml/all
President and CEO
2019,1591: 1 innsaii . 1

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