Page 10 - Texas811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 10

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1 hat 1. an "EmczgL‘nEy” locale
‘ mquml .1. dufincd by zhe Texas
/ ' _~ 1.1w71h Sccuon251.1551.»flhc
r . -, ‘ - Texa.11wa11"Emergehey"1.
- v_ 1 \ defined a....".1 .1h1am1h 111.11 rsndangch me,
/ 1 1 \ health, or pmpcny 01 .1 ~lt|I£|llUn 1h wluch
N the pubhc head for uninterrupted service
: and m1mea1aze xLv:~'labh~l1mcnlofs'L‘rv|cc
, 1: ~nrvIr:L‘ 11- mlcxruplcd eumpeh Immcdmlc
‘ I Reeemly, wh|lL‘ talking 111 a cm.-xmzea locatul,
- he cxdmmcd, "Four 111111111111; .111 somebody
3 ' L‘l~'c'a pan 410111411’: cunalnukc an cmugcnty
. * on 111yp.11w wnhoucq11e.11o11,e111111g111 an
,1‘ ‘ , emexge-11eyIoemexhaxeleaxlydoe. notmcct
_ }- F :he1eq111reme111.u1a11eme1ge11eye1eme.
pmblem. 5111 .111 .1.1kehe1ders.
11 1. ubvmu~ 111.1111 (ICElkL‘~ .1 problem my
' the Iocalm, both the 111111111 localor and
I l1'1L‘C()rItI£lCt10Eat()I Losing valuable umc
- Inapundfllg to fake emergehem pm. (11:
I “ , locale:cvcnfunhurbchund Lhcuachcdulns
V ‘ ‘ *— ,_ \ ‘ lhatam almadyfull As cum contm:lIucal|ng
/ _' - manager «atcd, "Obviously, 11 1111111.
\ the .y.:en1 bccausc we all lmvc xumzed
.‘ , 1e.uu1ee.. Fuxlhcntllnlocaungcumpany
‘ 1, haw‘ cunlmctlml .1114 legal ublIgauon~ to
I ‘ M n.e11e-11:. om.1u11-e we'11re1-pm1dmhe
' , . cmcrgcncy e.111, even 1: 1: mm. out 111 he .1
1 I Q nonecmurgnncy and we should, but 11 (IL‘alL‘~
,.:+..~!,11.»,“* . u 1 ,1‘ ‘ » -1 ‘ arcalpmblcmfuxuvcrvbody”
 ‘On ' ‘  I 1 bl If h
:v~'.. ». -. ,1 V 1 . . taaucrcalciapzu em on suxtavalor

._ '’;_,‘K n\- V"1y_ v / f  whomulmclycalla|ntl\c>.cfalsc

' ,1‘; ,»u‘;v 1 7 - I I - / L‘mugcnc1L‘~. The x'-.m1..ue11-h1..u1

- »y _—:‘¢‘;‘,“r 1.‘ J _ 1;  ‘ - cmd|b1l1ty. It’~k1ndu[l|kctlml|ttlubuy
. 3} '__ " ff‘, “‘ ,_c. jg-. — . ‘_ cxymg wolf. Anemwhule,m.1bedyhe11e1re.
- 9' 'W "3; A ‘ 7 -  _ h1n1 Butmorctlmnlhat,alioxbcumng
‘ h. . ~ ~  , . W‘ . Y ".»-.r._ ~ ’, :he.y.:e111 .11uw.-auemehd1.1u1- lackof
‘,-_r »{_._ ;. « "- V 11.; ,1.‘ . , _ '= ;f,- -, Inspectfor[heatherslakclluldunwho
1": ;-.-_f\’1./i‘ - '~ _-";—‘?' '9,» Z .' ,."§"  WI“bCll‘l’|pflElCdbyiI.\E1'11'1abll~ Alackui
-.’. _.. V __ M1,‘:  _,\_."  ,.._‘ 1e.pee1meaehmherw11IaIw.1y.ehd111
1 1. . .- ,1 - — ‘ \>

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