Page 13 - Texas811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 13

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On Sepfrmlmr 15, 2007 .1 m11sswum!u1'/1! 3/15 txplosmn and /1.: dcsfrayed an
____ 1 1 0/fa’ mmplex in Plulndelphm, Mississippi. A unlzfy curzmlrfar arridetxfly med
a ‘ _ 1 um) 11 sen/Ir mm: and .1 gas Ime. The mzmr/1! g/15 migrated through rm sexwr
‘ g, . - Y‘ hue/IndfnfafhcqfhreImtldtugzzud/Ishar!Itmelaten!lweXpIa5fn11a::14r1'ed
' , ‘ ‘ ‘ Nirtepeaplkwcvetrtfured.
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, 111 the case of 2: gm 11112 mlnxdmg 11111; a wurkzn to do is run a camem dawn the

“WY <‘""‘“S'"E " *9~'f"=""“‘ ‘EWEV ~2wer 1111a, the mdem might not notme sewzrbefum 11.-mg an auger, to make
‘me 0“ |'W'leU°“- “"5 make‘ Sewer any 111 emu. fmrn 111a cm.-hm for aure 1112 ubslrucuon 1.111 .1 g.1. line or
a» ~'ewer lme~' have abom a~ ha a davs, wzeka or even ycah. am as dam: other intmdmg uullty.

diameter as you would expect a “"1-tr .11 inc scwsr line talcllza on the ga1- hm: .

to have 111 m.-1d=miaI .-mung, so Lhe a dog mm Once a cnmbum us detected, It ialla
chances cf d.1u111g mlo one are gmalcr to the mtwd-nz -ml-ty to correct the
than um, ,,m,,,(,,. Eventually tlm llumnowncr mu ($11011. pgoblembwhcn nu an .-a1d§11dl dam,

.- 1- 11 1 115 - Ialtan canzx srmveor ea
In   the mmbme  E!§1§}Zf..7.§?.".1°3.1§Z$"§.“§1*1 §w.T.a $1 111. P
d1~'=°\'eI=d|mmed|ate'v1|k°|fa 4.111 cmé1 (11-2110 111 mum Th“ ‘3'P““‘°"“°“‘ "“"“°“”’b"‘“
» ' , 5‘ * *' “ P 1. betwcnn 5500 and $5000," Iunatlmn

Power or rn-nor comm-Imcauon hm n1.1v sum mm tlm pvt gas lmz, tmmng ., .

is damaged, leading to an |mmcd1atc ,hC',CWm and Pombly ‘he ham ,0 H, and Meat P1“|"‘b°” W-11 mt-fy
Otnagfi gm ,1“,»,. no, M (N Wm, mm mm”! gag‘ au major uulmes 1; .1 cmasbozz has
some pnvale 11112.-, where pxoblcms are > occurred. Hm way nurmr-ed excavawr
1,3,,.1;ke1y,., be ..0.,md ,mmad,my_ -'1: ga. or 12:12:11.: 1.- mvulved, 11 could can mmuvz the 11.12.

g bul|fn<LhmaIEn|ng,pnmazilyloa _ _ _ 1
”Wnh pnvatz 11112. .1131 .1. water, Plumber who .5 no. mm ofwhm "1 yuufiuaveet a §ro»“b;1ei= ms uflcgumld,
~1‘wL>r, rivals owcrnr nvalu fiber, . 1. ,. cearl earzaan ca 1111111 1au:y,
em, D: m , L. kmw .Ff,m«g a “my “ $“““$ ‘“‘°’ I°““'h““ ‘"‘“’ than notify the aflacled uulxty at (all
y 3
,,,o;,1.3,,. .,m,1y,,., am m,.,,».,ad by M TcxasB11 and otlmx safety urganizahons an AD thny can respond quxckly. Q
owner u1au}1m's a problem." are reach-us out to Plumber» and
g mwer companxm tluoughoul the atate
And that delay Is what make» ~eWer to educate wurkua on crchabores
m>~'»~'bure~ so deadly» One thing experts Entourage
20191551122 TexusE11~11

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