Page 18 - Texas811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 18

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n my yeais in the eonstiuctien industry, I have seen some speeihe to dlmnlnnal dnlling and lieiing These
entiiely too many damages to undeigiounel utilities. may even be part of tlmr P°"““"“8 prams Take "me to
or eouise, theie have been a multitude of ieasuns, sueh lnvesllgatz them anel see what impaet they eould have on the
as iailuie to natiiy, maeeuiate maiks, unsaie eligging work to lie peiioimed

piaetiees and the llkc. when l aist lieeame Involved with 3 mdmg am Work to allow for “Camry mm,

the saiety side of zxcavatlon, l was naive, assuming most Pmmmm Th“ H my ‘D W and dmmm to mflzmm m
lines weie installeel the same way we did them, namely " ’ ’ 2 — _

a elimate wheie Wnfk is awaided to the lowest bid, but the
open-eut tienehing. l was not piepaieel tui the unique set of . _ _
potential loss tiom yust one damage can be a business-ending
eiieumstanees piesented by diieetiunal dnlling and bunng _ . _
— eatastniphe as well a llfz-changing one fol many otheis.
A’ d"“"°““' “‘"“'“E b“‘‘"‘“ "“"“ P‘“"“““" ‘}“ ““"“’°’ st Tlieie is no substitute lei exposing existing utilities to see
of elamages that oeeuneel when a euntiaetui boied thniugh _
the location and espeeially the eleyatiun/elepth Assuming

a line oiten made headlines and were signiaeant, with in [mm ‘Maud at 1“ ~ mm as am mk , and N 1

a lnlof eliseussion Ovex possible solutions and legislative ham‘ flfd Wewbim hm {m the ham“ And mm“ ’
iemedies, and some actions have been taken However, while Jmuld an We Elm 3 5’

the pioblem is ieeegnized, a ieal long-teim, uniyensal solutiun V ’

seems unattainable. Many utility eumpanies aie speaiheaeling 5 Netwoile with othei inteiested patties. This is a situation
theii own eiiuns to pieyent eioss-boiing thiough lines, but is that demands a gioup diseussiun and input him all panies
it enough Currently? to gain a solution that truly helps. This may pniyiele shon-
Theie aie aetions that can be Iakcn, hath shoit-teim and ‘_°"“ .““’f”‘“ "“ " "‘°’°“ by P“’‘‘‘‘ b“’‘°‘ 1“ ‘}‘“ ‘"3 ‘°’‘“'

solutions that ean be ineoipoiateel into poliey on the local,

some long-teim (and piolialily mum, depending upon mm m mm! ‘M, my mm

loeal regulations, speeii-ie uullty iequiiements and iuteinal ‘ ‘— ’

eumpany iules): This is not an albinelusiye list. in a changing enyiionmeut,

Lhcre tmly is none But at least staying aheael of the tiends,
1' m"""“"Y' P"°’ P‘“"“‘“3‘° “ 5°“ “"“- "P’°P" ad ustin intei-nal eoi iate oli to addiess whithas been
iuspeetiun ui the site, in-depth mview of plans and .‘ ’ __g P“ P ‘Y ‘ ” _ ‘ ’
. witnessed and leamed in the field is a healthy stait And
diawiugs, discussions with any goyeming agencies that have _ — .
. . assuming anything about the ultimate loeation and potential
yunsdietuin oyei the aiea and aitei all oi this, having the tight _ _
eoullict dunng a eioss-boie should not oeeui. W

people and equipment on site to peiioim the work.

2. Eaeh goyemment ageney may have speeiiie ieouiiements

ioi utilities that have been installed within theii ,unsdietuin, M’ ""“' '“"""’ "";';:’:‘;'7;,”;‘f;:’““13,1?i‘;’fi‘i’.'*“'“‘°""‘ W
16 . Texzsall 2019, !ssu:2

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