Page 3 - Texas811 Magazine 2019 Issue 2
P. 3

W   ,,, T
— i ' eju~'tfin1~'h2d our 2019 Damage Prevention
‘ Wsummit and the teedliack we received
._ _‘ indicates it was a success Attendance was
the highest ever and the sessions were some at the
best we've seen lt was great seeing all at the industry
\ stakeholders come together and move the needle closer

to zero damages and zero waste

Texassll is proud to suppon members who are setting

the standard in the industry. some ot our members

are stepping up their outreach ettorts specifically to

the spanish speaking community, and Texassn is

looking torward to working alongsicle our members in

this endeavor. we are supporting our members with
outreaoh in many diiterent ways including print, radio and social media. And...w2
are ready to answer the call. Nearly one-quarter ot our stait speaks spanishl
we are also partnering with some of our membership to take advantage at the
massive amount of data within the B11 center our members are using this data to
assess risk, predict where the next damage is most likely to occur and then take
action to mitigate the risk The earliest adopters are zxpezlsncing a 30% reduction in
Damage prevention and public satety are a serious business lt's a business we know
our members care about getting nght we also see the trend in working smarter by
using technology. we are supporting these initiatives by putting the best possible
locate ticket in the hands of our members. our agents work to gather critical
information tor each work site and also additional intormation that helps everyone
involved get to dig locations qulckez and mark tacilities with confidence. laetter
Infnrmillinn makes tor a sate, efflclenl, and ettective process tor all

President and CEO
2019, issvre ieiaaiir . 1

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