Page 17 - Texas811 Magazine 2019 Issue 3
P. 17

E? 5 f‘l- ll. ll x:=    5'3“;  
Ellgliafiéé'!!!!“l-J1-:=:l::£-‘=E:El:’E:l::"' ii E ‘W 55 E ::::F
. systeve Eenzle
D15 torted Locate Tones
l.en we apply a luea.e depth tcchnlquc" e.... nelp é- Til“ ““‘“Y "'“"5'“5 “‘“““°" °’
.une tuzlbuned uul..y, we E P J M M l h 4 ‘l"‘
emote an eleelronnognene ’‘ L" E E” 2" "WM 2. Eleemeal ems bonding ul cabllng
field around .1... utility. A almplre‘ but very cffnctlvn n.e.l.uel. DY

l.. .1... field that we when we am Take a depth rcadlng a. ground level,

utlllty ln an ldcal world, .l.e .a..-e .l.e locale: .. known dl~t.1ncu, ...y 3- ‘““‘“‘“"“ "““ ‘“P““'"° b‘°““‘ “V”
ngnnl mdlatea out nun. .l.e u..l..y .n .. l.., ..u.e me new depth rcadlng. If .l.e °‘ ‘mm ‘W way. All cabin localom ...el.ea.enl dcpth l.... nu. mmsascd by c1.,...g,..g dgmdm. ,. ma mm .0 ml
a.e ael,us.e.l ....el eal.l..aleel msummg .l.a. zlmuunL .l.e Information should Wu}, The mwa, is .0 aka ,a,.d,..g,
.l..s .. .l.e e...e Hownvnl, .n .l.e mal be treated w..l. cautlon. Tlm ~lmpIc ,,,1,m.},a .,..1.,y ,. nu. dam..,,g, 5”,
world, .l.e ugual ..- my (men dlaloxtzd method w.ll ldcnlliy .l...u..e.l nela my flvjay mm band, ~r.~ 0, sudden
wluel. e.... lead .u snxvlcua bung located even .n ...u....un. wl.e.e .l.e peak/u..ll cl.,,, .,. dQP[l\_ The dcepfif ma .,..l..y,
.n .l.e wrong pu....un a. depth .eel.n.que euulel sIruggl2,f1.»rIn~IanCc ma ;.,,u.c, may ,.,.,m,1.a dm,m..u,.
Them are a numbcr 0. taclinlquu .1... :fl‘“§ ‘ll; '"‘e"e|*f"*°b (‘Ens H V you nerd to be.

ean be u.eel to mlenmy .. dlslonzd lielel. a")‘;°c lg! nm‘f“‘ l Emu“, mm bonding nm but my

l W-ll exlrlaln a few way~ l am sure 5 " .u dCfll\'\’ll1'1(llh|alO rcmuvc .l.e em.-3
.l.e.e am ...l.e...-, but Lhcse am .l.e ones 30 mmlysis .,md,,,g W um um .,..1,,y ,0“ W... .9
l n~e= Th” Sounds mmphmcd’ and 1 Sum lue...e ean be lsolatnd. Rcmovlng em.-
Peak/Null technique ills,as1lu~'L‘~‘ .... azmv Of ax anlcnnzu bogflys lg ulnnllgl Pefble °n1f'Pel"h=~'

, ‘ — an eep uueea mg u Isnu u~ua y
Mn.. enuelen. e..ble lutatun havn “’ “““'l ‘“ ‘}“ 5°“ ‘}‘“l’“ ‘“ ”“°° ,,..,..,.a mu. WC, 1,,“ NM,
hmmmal “mm. um gm a good dlmcmmna. l. . nuly ava.l..ble .n .1.e E’ (1 PM I m d
‘ ‘ . . vlatnal cable localors .-uel. as‘ .l.e “‘“P°' W‘ ‘ C“ “'8 ““ °*° ““ °'“°

pnxlsc ~lgn.1ltlmlm.1xlmlzcsthc bar ‘Fl , _ ‘ ' _ _ .u do .-u.

graph mzldlng wnen ..  dlmclly  ‘ “:5 ‘’‘’f‘_‘ ‘Q3: §"s"°**=l‘~ “K

M .m,,,y‘ TM), am, have R ,,m,m, fine gen; -ll (1 -1 1 Crodlfill eI‘l(silneer:~ d lzleeel uvnr Tl... umally occuzs wl.e.e
anenna u... creates a mmlmum bar “fie 33;; ‘f  ‘W W  1" Mann blew mm from the «arse:
graph “ding when am the “um pnlaen ed d.§ u. lunua Ion .n .. ..unp e uullty unto an ..el,aee... Thu c.1usL‘~
The Ma Ma mgmad .0 a, map and e0 er en e “P a» a .ee....da.y eunen. .n flow wluel.

null modes. Thc uull mud: tcnd~ .u bar Indicating nu/nunuual °““"“‘ “"°‘“°“* “‘° 5”‘ ""“l’ ‘° ‘M’
be affected by dlslonlurl man: man nl...u...u.. “"'}‘ ““‘ ‘° bl’ ““‘“°‘“3 ‘1‘° "°‘l“"‘°>'
.l.e pe..k, so we tend .n cntoumgc .l.e of Llle leeele tune a» llle effeels 0‘

M M the Wk made M mumy ldiluc bar gnapl. .nel.lea..n[g mue I and mductlvn coupling
Hwum W cm W ‘hf nu“ made .,.u...un .9 ..ea. ..e u. oxmauon w.. . mduccs w..l. luwe. imquenclns.

m Help ‘dmmy dmmd Edda as cautlon. Semndly make .-u.e .l.e pu....un of .l.e
‘ht two [mm pmmum W,“ mmdc Rd W graph mdmmg cxmflvc ground .. wen away from u..l...e, .n .l.e
when .l.e.e is no dlaloxtlon bu. wlll be d.,.m,m .0 do no, mm um W}:-e vhlelnléy as Illle a-gnal \_~'-ll rlniose
dlaplacud .n a dlsloned field. Tl.e more "" “‘ “ “ ° "“ ‘"3 ““ “‘‘““‘“ 2
this peak and null luea.e pos'mon~ ...e “"5 ‘lake-

eleplaeeel, .l.e mum ugual .l...un.un. D-«Dried slsnal~ are a rnalvr reason LN,» mmcmbc, ,1“. ,. .5 pm, mm .0

for mu-locales, but .. we understand h ‘ ‘ f d f — I

Tlm .5 a good .eel.n.que but e.... be wl.... causes .l.en., we can mltlgalc .l.e.. ‘“’* “ P” “ll ““’"“’“ ‘W “S” -
fouled by symmL‘lrlc.1ldI~Iorllun This mm. 50 alwaw check for dmon-on and dlg
ean occur, fox lnalancn, wl.e.e .l.e.e Wnll em Q

are two locale nsnnls. one rllrertly ' b“"“',“ ‘j“"°"‘°“ '5 °““"‘d ‘“ ‘hm I/um: have qutafuvls ur eun....m.a rrbuu!
above orlvelow the target llne» lf tlns "““" ‘“ “l ‘ mu rrmclz ur rtlafcd .up..s,/eel /lac m

Is anspeetedr then mm: the ”Exlemle<l mtlfnrf s.m m‘: 5Iez1e.El('rlzi:[ul u.m...en.

2019 Issue 3 Texxssu . .5

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