Page 20 - Texas811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 20

Better Servlces Through Technology

ethnology ls a wondelrul (LNC) " Tllele llnve been me mvlslons ”Thank gondncs~ we am no« gltmng nll
Ihmg Do yoll mlnenlllel when lo NFPA 59A ~ln(Q zuul The curmnl lhe guvcrnmcnt we am paymg sol."
«hem wem no sueh «hlngs \’cl'MOII ls dated 2ul9 Them am mnson. A_‘ V l_ h 1 Y M V

as eell phones ol pnrwnal «hn« «he newel velslons have nol lleen ’ ° "°“ “ “° ‘*3’ ' "3 “““

, _ «eehnology has a vnlld nppllenlloll,
Eomputnm. or, rol that nlnuel, sen« lneolpomleel by miemncn However, «o h H _ I [1, I [1, I
belts ln cars, car seats to: |nfanL~‘ ox be eompllnm WK11 the legulauons-, an "2!" ‘““"’“:l ° ’°‘°"l‘ “““"L  ‘°“
even bleyele hellne«s7 LNG opelnlol has only «o eolnply wl«ll  Wm?‘
Tllem shoulel he no dcbale «hm “ "““d‘“" ‘1“““ “'"‘°"‘ 2“ ”“““ ‘dd do l« New «eehnology nppnlell«lv

andcuuld fmmapunslyrrsgullfloxy —
technology and «he nppllennollor mud um; I mm a“ the H“ mvemmh lnllsllle SAFER ollnole cnnservauvl:
technology am «wo of lhe Lh|ng~ «lln« Mm hi“ b'efn ubmhcd gm‘; mm Ev holn «lle PHMSA pelspeenue), I would
ellnemn«ln«e he«ween developed [ht Wa mm Y if mg mm ~md“‘d~ — Encourage you «o Contact youl loenl
nn«lolls and «lllld-wolld nations Do V’ ‘ 3 ‘ ‘ plpellne snle«y mgulalor and run l«
nddmss technology «hm PHMSA
you want «o go back «o «he "good old mm.“ to mmgmm Wm‘ mpm to W by «lleln. Plnasc dun’l he sulpllseel lr
elnys" ofhuallng holnes by burning dmg“ mmmmun uPml’m“ and «hell suppoll l. less Lhan eneoumglng.
wood, traveling on foot, ou«dool * ' * . ' Your |dL‘a of ~l1fc nnel effccuvl: lnn he
l‘niI|n(Enan(C of plpellnes and p|pL‘llne Y

plurnlnng and pm.zu«ll eennlly mmm The Wmcd mm H a enlllely dl«elen« than «hell lden of ~afc
|'nCdlClrIC7 l doubt l«. 7]SpCa1lPEm“/I under 49 CPR Sm 3 41 and nffccllvc 7 llu« «hey lnlcxpml lhe
we an: ln «he pulmcal season. PHMSA speelul pL‘rl'nll~ Good luck wllh “"“’-'

ls up lol xflauthunzflllon next yea: m£L‘l|ng «he mqullelnenls rol n spcflal un«ll next «llne, bl: snre ou« them.’ Q
Tllem almady been at len.-« one pellnl« lhe way PHMSA l. applylng

Consmwvnal hwm-5 and there la a‘ §19"-341 ll. the prel/llms l551AA‘ an IHFDIVATI SI/IICWPHI
lnasl one ploposeel«llonzn«lon. mrla lmllle. pol «ll.» rkmrd, Mlkc Rome L5
(see hnps://«,g«lo/,.elo5/  :“:fA MD! lssoellyeli mull or /1 Sflakrsmnllr/Dr’ me
’,m,m,,,X_W,4,W5,,,,r,,,,C_W(,m_ » yd » ‘ ‘P d V d d‘ comlllon Lllalllld AIhl1n:e.Mr Rnlwa

d_mh”m,” Mm W H M 96“ “,0” pmvl lng eoples o ln u~u') ~(flrI or s lllnollmmll lllull MA‘ em AIW/IVFINSS
‘“‘ K V _ lneolpomleel by minmncr: to «he publlc, mmlllzlgll and lmdcr mllllll damn e
wfrvrr-wrflly-M Mygucaa-~t1wHhvre m Pub“: u,fm,,. and to Fwd.“ pl‘?!/A‘llfZDVl 15 Ihmu/gt «he Nflllmm EXCVIU/1Im'
wlll he lnnny changes llerole l« goes 0 mm“ ‘“du;;rv imam‘ [N llllmlnne. we pull lsher npolaglzrsfor lznv
~,,,,a,_~ one pmpmd mm,“ Hugh, P ~ » ,1}. » _ eon/lollm ar VltI5MrIdA‘l's!!Il1dlVlg l1H}:('l'e5ul!
my gym “ would mum PHMSA to l‘I;unE}1{‘ «o dc;/dgp. e elelvedlope: c]I}IlSm15fA1k('

mlatlng «o plpelllle saicty ploposed NE 0‘ 1mz‘au fn N ’_“m mD“’Y’m /ollll llzeolll l'eI:m1jmm PHMSA

«o be lneolpomeel by mrelenee ‘D Simniic ‘D am who ‘Ch In a '7 lo: /]M('5I1m15 or eolnmms, emll
Lhmugh a pellllon iol rulcmaklng " Ummml Y M “fix (mnfummp " ,,«

Pl—lMsA's womls — no« nllne. Tlle M “vim: mfidzd b V |’ dm’

Feelelol Aellnlnlsmlllve I-loeedules upmmn) P” ~_umflh‘f‘E"‘:’Lhc law of

Ad (5 U.S.Cod2 cllnp«el5)hnsheen ln ’ ‘_ ’

cfim mm 19 46 what do“ am new «helnnd l« should he available «o nll. 6 8
ploposed .ee«loll.leld7 How ls «hl. onel.l.« CommCm—accuId|ng «o «he = 9 3 2 5 . . ‘
Em1~l~IL‘nI wllh Exccutlvc oldel 13777 lalL‘~1(]unc znlel Report on DDT 9 l a 1 a 4 9 a 2 5
Enfuxclng «he Regulatory Agnnda? i:gnlh§.ln« l'{_ulen;.llolllgs, Ilhc pebndmg % 
LWfi=d Nam‘ 0% ‘W ‘W '" s/"lza“/'z§I’l§ .h3"c:l.'57l§l'§'". ;§lc”LE‘m E E
”‘° "°“" “ "" '““"Y' ‘*9 CFR "‘“‘ ploeess «ahed 1/‘U4/20?; and this 3 
193 conlalru «lle mgulatlon~ for LNG Unduémmd Slmgc Regulation‘ a_

lnelllnes. Pan 193 lneorpolnms by mm’ mmd 2/17/16 Each of 3 7 3 1 _ 2 4 , 5 6
“‘“““°“ N”’A'59A ‘Z‘’‘"’' ''5‘‘‘““‘‘‘‘“ Fhmn ':fin«1l lules" l. so used to he 5 9 ‘ 5 3 7 1 2
for M "m<*u=u°"r S'°mg=r and publlohed by he no 0%’ vnax. We  nnan
H“"°“"‘g °‘ '-“T“"""‘d N““““‘ G“‘ shall see In «he wolels otwlll Rogers,

is . Texasall 2D19,!ssu:A

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