Page 4 - Texas811 Magazine 2019 Issue 4
P. 4

Predictive Analytics: The Next
Generation of Damage Prevention
K Protect the Public 6
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‘ \ A Spotters Gmde to

> ‘I _ Preventing Injury and
o  , Property Damage

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4 ’ More Than Locate
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. ‘n,  Contractor Spotlight:

ro Gettmg the 811 Message

Out to a New Audience

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Texaatili .~ published quarterly
mgu cnx, rubxmm Ann; Mans sum, Erlitnx 1 From the desk oi Chris Stovall
|ndn/idual .~ub~:nphLm.~ are available without charge
In the United 5tate~ , .
Tu ~ub~:nbe gu tu wwu: em, Ellnmguznrez mm 11 W155‘ W°m9“ 1" 5359*)’ EX‘9"9“°9
Nu ma|en.1I m cm. publmatmn may be reproduced m any lurm
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be reliable, but the puhh:a|1un (anrmk guarantee than accuracy
|1¢tler.~,Cummen|v, and a;tI(te‘\.8 encouraged, mbmnt tu 14 1.-oslmng an Envmmnem of Commumcauon
email ubI|.~|\er(u1E11m.1 zzme» cum
.., rmsn, nm‘ Ave, SS1? xzu, om, rx 75m 16 15 More Technology Necessarily the Answer?
Tlwumre mm»: my}/vrghrert 2019 hy ACTS
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18 Iacobi Perspective
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  20 Sudoku Puzzle 5: Contact Center Operations
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