Page 18 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 18

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e have 311 had 3 safety haye learned a few 3nd w3ns Io sh3ee smmg, 1115 1mpo,.,". .3 P1,“ .,..1.1,s
1 1 em wi you. aim: Io e ma e. use an out ;ne so
presensdauon a spear sh sh P 1, d 1 1
new entrer-om al . . . shauean oleye1o orconlrasllhose
did dd‘ hm dd ddsddd 1new 311 ee..n.nnn.e3nen and 311 speech mm as d M ml; dddidmds [mks

impact. was ml viewed as we had ‘’ “‘“"“““Y l’"“‘“‘“° ‘“."““‘.“' W‘ of underslanding Dr mnfusion. And
}‘°P9d- The ‘filing Wllm lllis happens ‘H k'“’;” 3 ‘“ 5fi‘l'’;l’°‘'.‘‘'.‘‘ '5 "W515 ‘° keeping these elemenls simple is

;s disheartening, hns contrasted with Pm“ “*1 W_ 91 Er,“ ls us in/lng ddddduwds always taught dd dd“
when 1s does, she rnnespnnding e13s1on 1s mfmake 3" 3“-llém llsrjn *0 '1“ my audhg-1“ wha, , was Find ,0 (Eu
wonderllll» 5“ “V ”‘7‘““ f" 3" '.'d“ “"5 “‘.‘°"‘ shen. sen shem sn.n.n3nze wh3s1

our ves-sson D an acu en , semng as . ' '
As 1 h3ye .nens1enee1 before 1n these 3 wilnessd or buying a car from us‘ l‘“_‘ W“ ‘¥‘’’'"_“"‘* “"9 °" ‘° 3 "*‘V_
an1e1es,pn'or so going into construction we are always persuading. With 1h31 P°'“‘> V‘*“““}'“l,¥ 59”“ "° ‘°"5‘“!“"’°
and dismvering my role in safely, 1 .-ea11aas1on came a 1ew aximns worth P“'P°‘“' W’,“1° “ ‘°““"‘ “""5°‘ 3‘
ssanea 111e 3s a leather. Despile 1h3s, this presenling. ‘”°"‘5- A“ W ‘*‘° “em °‘ 3 ‘l“*§"°“
w3s on1y 3 small portion o1 my wnrking _ , , or mr_nmellly ll allows me la mgaln my
mm i, P,.o,md,y mm d me an d f|r§t,dl?uh'd goa1 .s to move anflldlenred 1 .h..ees.e.n quickly and arcurately.
. . . 3s m w. n3se..-3s3 run mm nm

ss.11aoessoshssol3y.113neh11:ng1.shan.1 Am OMB Pdinmifwhfmhd gm -1-,,i,,,,fi,,,,,W,,,Pw,,,P,m(ha
5P°9fh C_°mmllrllraIl°ns- Wllllf l 9"l°Y°d dndiV'i’dudny‘m. m11w,Vd1y_ we “did id’ understanding lump. In our hnsiness,
1:n,,.1w3s1hes,seeeh pmuontlnal _ h h .d _ . ,1.,1c.;11,c.yawy,,wK,,.(,1m, M

l truly level. And when l lea-nerl ll-ere ff“ ‘d"§_ °‘j;f“ W“ ““‘.;‘f l’‘’'“‘ more Iarlile in more about
lollowea me lllmllgll my   djggnmg fife  5:531]; 3; wgsjdd sane Ilnan hearing. So. despile sasnys
and sull does my -n my roles on d d Th. . h d 1 praclital
vans:-us hoards. And 1 5111] behave .nyse11 dxlfmaifid mlzalm 5‘ is-:01: izxgjadld expmvdmsv inmdyng mm «yyhm is
to he a teacller» dd“/V, hm always hdfidv’dd_ injdds wrung wash this picIure?' she1es,w;11he
The ability so eo.n.nnn;e3se and some personal experience into she '“°‘'* °““‘’“-

the importance of h are criliral. dismssion anol omen esyssamaes hosh o1,y;.,,.S]y_ yhm mum he mm ,0 ms
wh11e we have seen 3 heeahaown 1n she idea so be presented and provides ,,.;c1s_ Libraries 0; textbnnks ha‘/Q ham
eo.n.nhn1eas1ons in one eonnsry most 3 .ne.nory 1h3s the listener ean .-ee311. \Vfi[(gn aha... 11,3 5..1,,-am, ha. ,,s.1.a,,s
pns.n.nen11y m she political realm, we 1 mm o1sen ash someone who does _nos “,1, ogs,;,1g Wm ,,,.,V;d,, help go, you
eannes let it pennease our everyday know the speufirs 1 W111 he presenlmg .,E;_,,.E you my may ml,“/_ .
ex;ssenee. whas are she markers for so review my presenlalinn 1n larder to

sneeess 1h3s we look 1on, she Iechniques allow me lo fill any voids shas 1 have M '5!’ mnllym-M  l/lwplmlllml we
to use 3nd she pitfalls so avoid? wh11e1 eweeloohed. “'“'V' ’ ”“’ "‘ L" 1,7"  ”“"‘"! "“”/“’

. M  my
h3ye .n3.1e mistakes through she yearsy 1
so. runssli 2o2a,1ssue1

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