Page 21 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 21

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lie CL:-\MPM.ITTER. willnliella1s.i being a eniieeni, die lie applied. For slinn inns in cungesled
engineei-ed liy Ryfclln CI)|‘dlESS claiiiniiiinei permils die areas, the low power can prEVenI lileed
liisinniieiils, Inn. is a unique user In easily lock ilie unit inside over. Tlie liigli—powei- selling will light
(001 lei induclive collplirlg. liandlinlds and/iii liigli up dips where up the most snililnii-ii and resistive

Tlie selimiiaiiied iiidiieiine ii-aiisiiiiuei it can operate out iii die nnlilias eye. cirruils.

eoiideiises an-aiisiiiinei and iiidiienne cniiinaiiies no lnngei need ioi- inn.-e R, b F f 1 . U H‘

Eolxplm‘ imu one cordless package. Ihan one lnralur elnployee to stand ci_:“:]';;_“;::_‘_‘1:::‘;:“ 3333;; it :5 W
salelv was the dis: niini-aw wlieii “""‘_""‘ “ “ls” “"5 "‘° “S” “‘ _“"“P1“‘* in used in the field Ihrlzlugholxl the us

. - . . - in.iie Ihan one lnrale al once, slianng “ . ,
designing the se1f1‘ElIlLa||‘led. sIand— and alii-oad. This IS nne nl the best
. . . . an eiiniiiinns aninunl ninlie linuoiii , ,

alnne, liaiisiiinniig lllducflve ennplei-. hm Sm Rm lllflsl InnD\'aIIVE prndllcls l have seen
acenidiiig to Douglas Reilz, viee ' » ' lei years" says Aiiiliniiy Jolinslnne,
president of Rycclln liismniieiils. Rycom The unit is engineered nilli three .iwnei- or Access Deleclinn in New
worked wilh a lai-ge focus group iii \'a|‘ialiI)nS nl highly eanalile iiidiinine South wales, Australia. '1‘-\s one .ii lily
rontrarl lnralors seeking a liglnweigln ii-enneiieies 133 klii. Gskhz. xi khz: nisniine.-s lias said, it's the besl thing
and sales allerrlative ni lianling lieaw 33 H11, Cifikhz, 33 kllz; I31‘ 33 kllz, sinee slieed lii-eadr .

n-aiisiiiinei boxes dnwii aging nlanhCIlE aiklii, L1AkhZ): -rliese ii-eqneneies ai-e The Clampmmfl is mm in 0“ USA
laddei-s. licllnlnclnly available an lnclsl lncalors at RWm,_ mdqmms Outside D‘

.. i- ~'d-ad‘ ft''s. ? . .
For the loan, nfien wurhlig  5; guy; ;;;;=;n;d;*m  c.._.., Ma. The in.  with a
dangercllls and niislalile job sites, lnng ‘hm’ to mfch m____ mm“ .a>[k in use i—yeai- wai-i-aiiiy. For iiini-e iiiiniiiialinii.
niiis oi mid creale lri in liazai-ds . . » 1 cnnlarl R\'€I)n]h1Sll’Ill]lEl\lS,h]L‘.IUIUILL
PF 3 wllh a dilferenl li.-and oi lnralor -

and inanaging iiiiiliinle pieces oi heavy ' I‘)TD"!iIXSII‘llI7l£‘IlIS.L‘Dm ni i-yeoiii@
enniniiieiii lieniines lni.-deiisiiiiie. -rlie adjnslable nowei selling: allow i.ii- I)TD"!iIlSlI‘llI7l2IlIS.CDm.

This unil is 0.3 pounds and can clip in die jusl the righl Zlnfllllll iii signal In

the oinside oi a ,iaii- oi panls .ii- slide

around the ann.

2020,!ssuz-1 T:-vasE11~19

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