Page 9 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 9

se 1 teeh extra steps In help protect eur company's

assets. During evening and weelcends when l was oer

war}! and running areund, l would cheese driving 3 0A R D WA I. K

rnutes thal I knew crossed over our ROWS. This

allowed me to keep an exlra watch on the rompzny's

lines especially when l expecled semeene to he

digging nearhy in noticed equipment, 1 would

step and visit with the landewner or operate... p|pE|_|NE pARTNER56

During these vlslls i get to know the peeple and

had the eppertunity Io speak with them ahout the _ _

hmfaorlartce em. and share ether puhlic awareness Boardwalk P|pe|me Partners
in onnatien.

me. n....,...... Caner Mmnznl Is com mltted to operatmg
[think we all have memerahle moments in eur pipefine assets in a safe,
careers that stand out over time. For me that mement _ _

occurred in 2009. l was driving areund when l re||ab|e and conjphant
neticed a backlme exravzlnr digging near ene of

eur hows se l stepped to see why l hadn't received manner and Provid ing

a one call notice. The operator said he would he

crossing twe el our te—inch gas lines, hut he had '

heen teld hy the landewner net to wnrry hecause eur the mghest level of

lines were buried ten teet deep. You can imagine the '

eperaters shark when l lecated the lines let him and customer sen"ce'
cenhrrned they were four ieet deepl This revelatien

ehvieusly changed his digging plans that day. l Ilnink n B OAR DWA L K
he alse realized that my visit that day possibly saved

his liie. one simple call te an saves lives end releeses -

‘"5’ dMd°“d" Loutsmu ulnsmuu LLC
My Favorite satety Mantra . T

My mantra has eeceme, --never assume anything."  

end i helieve this is the best practice when it comes ‘

to reducing damages. l can'I tell you hew many times ‘ p ‘ 5° up aw‘ L‘
we have had individuals damage our lines er come .s.: ., , .'_le-... ,, -
clese to it hecause they assumed our lines were +—=i»_

deeper. Many of eur utilities in this area were put . 

in 3u—5cl years age. As a result. lend eresien ever ,gp..¢,,,..,.p,..p,,,,g.,g
the years hes lelt them much shallewer than some


safety: No cnmrnrt zones gg‘RywAu(

lvlidceast Energy has truly instilled a salety culture """""'“""'

in me that is hard Io heat. i am not jusl talking p_,__"_

abnut what we de at the field level, but what our  3"" ~<

exemlives end upper management de, as well. .

Everyone walks the (all: when it cemes Io sarety. 

in recent years i challenged myself end ethers to _

step eut of our cerntert zenes to spread damage

prevention awareness end expnse more people te sir.

i realized that we needed te reach new audiences. 1

se. this year my local damage preventien chapter -'

relocated eur annual safe digging and backhoe redee mm mm bek,w_

In an wenl in annlher Iown. B doin this we were

able te reach a whole new audiyence aglmul Eu! The can M“ "°" ‘"9
event was very successful. Ncll only have we heen

invited back next year‘ hut we have alse heen asked

to partner with them en ether events at the same

tacility. Cnmd things happen when we challenge

eurselves to step eut of eut cerntert zones to spread

the damage preventien messegel My passion is to

centinue making a dilterence for lvlidcoast and our

cemmnnities by keepin peeple sale and spreading

the gospel aheut 311. i

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