Page 15 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 2
P. 15

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Perhaps the rnost exciting aspect or the annual nteeting was ,,p.,,,.a,. mm“. M ma ,,,

the ”/\ndy lloel Excellence in Damage Prevention Award’ na,,,a,,t,,,.., mp.‘ ,,_,,.,,,,.,
ceremony which recognized chantpions representing the 4 mo ottvlmumevr:

regions. The zozo award winners were recognized for their

work during calendar year 2019:

.va.nes steck, L:enterPoint Energy — southwest Region
(:lint McAnally, Midcoast Energy — Northwest Region — , ¢;;,: '4 a 
shari warren, Atmos Energy — Northeast Region  ‘“""“"""““
Mariz Gaynor Gonzalez, /\T&T — Southeast Rzgion

it you want to norninate a damage prevention charupion tor

the mu awards, please reach out to your regional chapter

omcers or email our DPC ol Texas prograru .nanager at


l ‘ \

our "No Barriers" carnpaign continues to be successlul in ‘.,_ ‘\‘,\,‘ '3[ H'_. ft‘

cooperation with New Mexico sit, the New ltlexico Regional I . it I;-tj Ni x, .

Gammon Ground Alliance (.\1.\/IRCG/\| and Ihl‘ New Mexico a

Public Regulation co.n.nission (NMPRC). we had a significant >

contingent orsouthern New Mexico excavators in attendance

at the Paso del Norte Excavation salety Day last November

in El Paso which dlrvw close to 700 attendees. Alternatively, . . .

utility and pipzline operators with assets crossing the state ' -

line lro.n the Per.nian Basin and western Panhandle regions _ -. ,» ' .

are heavily engaged in the quartzrly southeast New Mexico H ' . __ ; _. 5. y. .' . .
Da.nage Prerention council rueetings that rotate hetween "  ' '..'v  3 ‘ 1 _.- ‘ , H'-
llohhs, Artesia, and carlshad. This DPC was created to serve ' '  v ,' ‘  ‘u.  V «

as a sister organization to the DP(: orTexas Permian Basin , it : r .‘ - . . , V ‘ y l

and south Plains chapters. To capitalize on the success we ‘ 4 *  ' i. 4 .« ,

have experienced with Na lsorrlers in New ylexico, we will ‘ L — r -

he reaching out to Okie sit, Arkansas 3.. and Louisiana 1 l t l. -_ t ._,t ,~_ ‘V ii‘ ,l Hp,

st. to explore avenues to build cooperative events and y t '\ tr’ »

contruunications with the lligh Plains, Red River, Northeast ,’7‘\/ H IL/.‘\> B 

Texas, Ark—Tex. East Texas‘ Piney woods and Gmldzn Triangle :l  E ‘xv:-‘_e‘ H E E l_

chapters. it you would like to hecorne involved in the No (;{)L F  me:

Eorders initiative, please contact Doug ltleelts, Ketha Molina ' '  1 y _‘  y

or Tina sanders at ’ " ’

To lreep up with the latest infurlnalicult follow us on Fatelmuk

/llrp::Ml/wwflzcebookconl/llpcfeAn:/ and bookmark our

website. ll/IA/w.dpcof1e, Q;

2020 Issue 2 texasoi. . L3

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