Page 16 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 3
P. 16

Same P|CtUTe, Different Perspective
n me‘ we have all dean wuh rn-\'ic\\' the cudcncc submitted by ham 5. What has been (ha past record
judgment and cnfoxccmcm pames and me relevant portions mi of me p.i|'(;/a cspcmally aver the
(p|In|Sh|'nC|1Lh\'\L‘S and penalties‘ me law. mhe cumplamr |s clear and past year?
c(c.).Andscuncumcswcfind \vc1l—dmcu|ncnlcd.tlwcdccisxonan W” ‘h _ M f I _
ouxsclvcsbcingthcmnciutlxcposition ccunp]ia|\cL-or1ack(hcrL-oflcnrlsm}>c ‘I1 ‘I’; ‘:°‘§!““' . ° “°“'‘ 1
to \sscIc1( W hen we via 50. the clearest casv. 3 “ 3“ °‘ “F "““"f3‘ |‘°"‘:?‘a
. » onmonsrc arm an 0 1c arms
and hcstcouxscofacuonlsnmalwavs . . .' 5 ‘5 ’ P
. » aeeoaa, if the daemon m part we was m me cmmplamn personal factors ma:
apparcmand c.1n\'aryw|thadflfircnt , , ,
, . . that that wasalack a:ea.np1.anee. mfl\Icnce(l1csm|at|m1(|ncn|l>cxsxccusc
pcxspccuvc ()f(c|\1l1ssm|p1yagu( . . , .
. . . . wctlmn dctcrm|nc\vhalt|1c em-eeme tlwcmsclvcs Iflmolvcd) do not
xcacuun.manyumcsn|s\vc1l—p1anncd. . . . .
acuon may be. and (Ins .s the palm F_ ‘, I I ,”| _
I\sa|nc|nbcrof011ios U|1dn'gA'u\||1d alwluch maimaimng pmspecnvc is d:“["‘ ‘ff 7‘ ““°"V°_:“ I ‘_°1“‘[l’“"‘°”
Technical (Imnmuncc (UT(I)a formed importanL\V1wcn the protocol for jh°“‘lh °"5'°‘1‘[‘~P|“' ““ “‘ Y ‘°j°
. . . . . . . . \ . wx |n e cna \- nasC.\vcxcnm
wnhmthcI"ul>l|cLn]mcs(.mmm1ss1on zlmcxeatmn ofllwc LTL was hung ,. I .. P _h  ‘I1 _ _
oI()111a lay lcgxslatmn signed m dxscussed and created. n was e1ea.- to [P“|;“ ?‘* ‘P°‘[“P‘ f‘j'‘“‘\°Vh ["5 1”"
Dcccnubcxmf2oI.£,Iha\'csncna\\'1dL‘ a]1pax(iL-s|nA11oscrhscussionstlxal ” °“‘°“ °’ °°“‘°‘°’ “' .
. . understand t11|s,l trulv do not hclxevc

xangnohssucs and means L7faddrcss|ng z|ns\\'asabo¢Ilcoxrccung hehauea no: [11 I ]h. » H

men. As we deliberated what we law pumshmg n. n was nut to he ahmuz 3 3“-V P"‘”‘‘“ ‘.a‘‘‘‘ “°““‘

. . an\'mf(11L-nncnnhcrs dcusmns. And

would l>|m'toAlwccstahllslnncm g\||l(orl1al>|l1(y.huzaho\IAcomp1|ancc . » 1 U I M . [_

oflhc um wcworkcd outa um of or lack me.-ear So. \'ic\\'ingAhc mm.-e '"‘Pl°‘ _‘“‘_ W‘ 3 if “‘f"‘% °']f~h
xssuessoA1wa((l\cUT(Iwasna(]cft\\'iA1w outcmncsofanyacuonsnccdsmbc W“ ‘“‘“°P'°5°“-'* '°“ '°"‘“ °

parucs Am me process (mvncrs. lmcatoxs.
unclear code to Iollmw \vmghcd carefullvz . .
» uullucs. cxL‘avatm's. etc). Many ofoux
\’\.'hcn we firs: me and started to .. Is this e.a.ap1aam an xsolatcd dccisxcmsarcunannnolusmncclnstv
review we took small steps. ease. and gwcn me prt-pnnrkrancc and never is one cmntcntimls.
\’\'hi1cwewcrcall\'cryfa:ni1|ar\\'itl1 oflocalcs cmlduclcd it M I R d . H
the1I1d1Istry.\\'c\\'cxclcarningthc simply ams.gmneam'» ‘a “ F“ "ii" "°f“°°["'d _
adnninmlrauves\dc.T|mdccis|oncar1y . “|‘”“°".“"‘““ “°|‘°‘~"‘f“ '“““‘
. . . 7.. .‘\rc(l1arL-mtcrvcnmg uphrmgmg.o¢I|'pcrsona11w1sAory.(1wn
on In our meeungs was in spln the . , .
. . . cucunlstanccs.’ Impact of wluch ean be s|gn1flcanl.
dcc|s|on—makmg process. much as a .
. . . butagaIn.(11cu]u|nalcquL-snonmust
co¢|r(aHa\vwould l>1IurcatcaCasc. 3. \.\4as(l1cacnonl|fc' ]_ . _] .11 ‘h . _ A
V V V h . :, aways Imovc, w. vc|n‘conec

First.\vL-re\'|cwAhcparucularsmfcach ‘ ’°“‘°“'“‘5 bcllavmxhccmrmcAcd’\’\.cnccdto
complainttoe|1sIIrL-llwamlmhasic 4 S|n|p1yasarcsu]loI(hc cnusmnas1(uaAion\v]\e|'c.l:~y(1wc
compmmnts meet the rcquuemcnls cmmplamt hung med, is me continual coxrcc(i\'c course changes. we
under me Ohin Revised code. we men pmcnually oflcnrhng party now literally pm ourselves out or business 5
evaluate me [ads and dmculncnlatiun awaxc of me errors m me..-

sulmuincd to us and sunply see as the approach and understanding of M- iv!‘  --    rm um m u/ rm
group ree1s me.-e was a compliancc me correct actimn needed in me mm-;« 1 w A u. in  ’<m</  flu
fmlurchythcpany\vhomA11L- fuulrc?  

eomplaim was .-egismed against. He

14. Texssfill 2520 Issue?

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