Page 14 - Texas811 Magazine 2017 Issue 4
P. 14

CONTINUED FROM ME 9 hteate rcquc~l~, which lead ((1 sl1.wt'L‘r \'\()l .t lflajilr Cnnccrn \'mt1'\tlus flooding
that. II~u£\I rL‘~p0n~L‘ tlml_'~i()IInCt1lL‘ event

Tht'.vWm‘r-‘I<1u“°mm"m with Wlh“ IL‘quL‘~t~ to he Iulfillud. .\I0nL‘thL‘IC~‘~,

the tulvmncv mm '~ with!" W 9m‘ of cehtetrtttttrt l(\Ct1ll|h hnndied each '3*‘‘““‘“ ““‘"3’ ““““' ‘" "‘“ ”°"“”“
TCXH5/5K‘t1‘:1""NVa¢ .t lack ()[L‘duCt1ll0n mum K,‘ qumkty at Puwbtcr and ->r«'t1}:Zvrtl‘-|I1:“fr\f'.-Itfr fur <hyb~]t ‘-“:1 b‘
0,. mm Pm , _ _ , hx hug tttttte ~ mete Irnpa~~t1 e, 0 Ln

‘Pm’ “ **'°“‘ ‘'‘‘‘l “f ‘““‘ “"‘“d“‘5 ‘ ‘ uacd cps data (0 wt ttthteh employee

Mmwtm m M Hmhmn mm W, V/v'()Id abnut hm/v‘ lnlponaht thnset‘ local: ‘Md thmmm mach damaged —
scene \\’£\> qutte dtttetettt than Curpus. ;v::;~:;la;::t::Pv<Inl1)’ m thv wakv of ‘mm,’ and dwmhcd um“, mum
“WC d‘dn!t11flvC H mm MN m that. .ettdtng cmW~ Zlgzngglng aCnJ~‘s
Hmmn ma, Wk M a ,0, M "N, and CcntL‘rP()InlrL‘~p1.»ndL~d ta 8200 gm the snggylL‘rrt1ln.

PM“ mm W M m C(‘rPu~‘!/ ‘Wm emergency ordch tn the H0u~l(\h atea No“ me dccmc "dry WC had gzmm
smd "We had mum of that dam-wan In 0"“ °‘ "“' “‘“"“"“ “‘““* “'“‘ d“““‘*‘° Cualnmch‘ anccknd and 18 ~ub~taUnn~
H()u~t(In, but m()~t ttrthe Impact thete ->f<m'kcr<=>~'}:-2;»whvwthvj<>I1zm'C u,,dt.,“,m,’,, Mmnwd lrNul(“11)v
Wm flvwdmz and mug watvr" §“3’f"’““d ‘ ““ ““““—"' °‘“““‘5 “ that but we had (1'Ve‘Vt'\ that had ((1

ma '. ’ ’

Rttbett ~t1Id the 5(()l’l‘n brought more N M bnalw mnPhIbwu~' \'vh'c1v>
than St, mdm M mm .0 am Hmmn mtet the ~t()[I'n, cetttetretht tttettt out at dmncs ttt tenth amund thteeied

am and h 0,, “mt at M Wu,“ to pCrf()rm gm tttetet i\s~L‘~~rnCr\k> tn eetttttahtettt. we wete ahie to Ovcrtilmc
1'\uIl’lC£\r\C ttt us hhmry. The aettdtttg KM fl“<=ld°:1:m~ 10 '<‘v"!I1f:‘~'1}\‘Ich -1 10*

dhplafcd  t1x<>u~axwd~t;vquI|:gd[1‘ Mg“:  40’ ‘US ;”1j‘" cetttetrtttnt end a htt ttr C()l‘nl'nurII(y
mm W" t Iwuvm an "N / " ' " 0|Itrct1(11 In the nttemtntlt ht Haney ta
h\'L‘>. Recovery L‘fl()Il> had to wait ettttti  1:3::1;dC|;:;r:‘;L;::;:rt;:rmlxn) mm mm, Pmplc Wm, mmmcd m ml,
the watet teeeded A. ~00!) as tt did, P t 1 i; t d [ ‘H mm,‘ mm, "M, mmd d,Egmg>
cetttetnttnt wa~ In~pL‘Cllng thett t1b()\'L‘ ::";rda:::rx‘:h<::f;f:>:':(;Lw§‘  They M up at "K. dmrcm ewng Mm
gmund I-Icxlnm and back to ""'“k‘“i§ um mm The WN{N_ jmmm “jnh and hatteied out pr()nI(|U(\nt1] m_'m~‘ aucli
rnetittte.-, t1'u~ ttttte tn the H()u~mn area. flmdmg ‘; due to w»m_tr> Pmmznng at k(,(,m_,., key d,m,., Pcnim my an
Oncecunvmun-canonsIxnuwcm t11L‘Cu[IL‘ntInfrt1~truCtuIL‘ "(hl~()CC|Ir~ ‘”“*‘ ‘*‘“ *1‘, "‘5“ “’ ‘“‘°P “‘“‘ "“‘ “‘P
u~tt1bh~hcd ttttth the gcncral ptthite ,t,L.,, ,. W," mqum. ..t,u..,ng dmm mu 0‘ <'v«'ryor-c > mind-

!" both Corp--~ and Hnusmnt Tn-xa~'> Ittte and bl()w1ng1kmIlbc[<\rc ~'urvIcc tttavha. we amt m cm“. M, mm up
two 811 ccntm were inundated with eat. he rcalnrcd. F(\rtunatL‘lyt that wa. Mime ugh. and .t~ked pCrn1l~~l(\h ttttttt

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12 . Texassll 2017 Vssm.-4

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