Page 10 - Texas811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 10

How Texas811 and GVEC Team Up for Safety
Dzmlflge Prevenunn Manager
ll of those utlllty poles “,2 scum Tm, gm}, g,,,,,,,,y Wm, work developing electrical ineidenl
(arrylng overhead eleelrieal a map, public may ,E,,;,,gi called and emergency response seenarios
lines are something we gm Eagle pm saggy 3, gq,,,P,,,E,,, guaranieed to keep the crowd glued
pretty much lake for Rodeo puundup held in ‘he wg,.mm Io ilieir bleadier seais. Terassll

granled We'r2 so used In ilieni being and 0, 11,2 Eagls pm Shara PM ii Pipeline Response Manager David
iliere that we don't see them anymore. W“. gm ,,, pwgaiil Tm, um‘ gm Ferguson says, "while pipeline saiely
oul of siglii, oul of mind 7 like buried mmmiiy ,E,,W,,,e,i Plpehne may dernonsiralions have always been a
elecirieal ealiles. demon,.,a.,m gnaw“ H. .1“ Mock gm eore ieanire of our errayaiion saieiy
Thaiisunlilimaccidenlhappensand we when 3;;§‘;§‘§}‘;;_j:§;§;‘;;;ffhgf;t
°“““’““Y “‘°* ""‘““““ “"2” “‘ “need an the ~'uece>~' at the i“"“E“”“ eom reliensive electrical liazards
dnwn on the snrnneh evenl drawing more than 300 allendees, dem§n,.,m’m_ Emervgzncy mpmdm
The cuadalupe valley leleelrie te»~'tWn1 Dtsnnwets were determined tn reeeive valuable saiery lraining direelly
cooperarive (CVEC) has irom the professionals and
parinered wiili T2><as811 in , , lhe erowd loves it!”

an eiiorl to raise awareness ‘ r . .

Io nrsl responders, eiiy, X ‘ E‘“g{;’E‘C':“°“‘ ‘’i”':" “
e°r=.ntvnnee'nteeme'9vee~ ‘ ' i.e?n.nnpaT,'33i§  °“
utlhtles, cuntzaclozs, oil and g _ matted ms mmm am a
gas workers and ilie general ~ ‘ —" V \ 1 ’ . .

Hm mnmmm mm -5 . . ‘ \,, ve iicle crashes Intu a utility

P“ E 4 . ole

personal saiery when living : P

and working around eleelrie \ ln lhe seenano, the broken
lines and equipnieni The I n. E pole is laying on lop ui I112
power supplier believes they » wreeked ear wiili power
have an obligaiion to provide ' - 1 lines draped aeross II As
saieiy awareness lo everyone ‘A are driver ailernpns to Exit
who will lislen. E as _ lhe vehlde he eomes inlo
According to GVEC senior _ f"’“;?‘ Wémtf :‘h°“'““d "39’
ereeulive manager Bobby ‘ , . _ ..___f- , I 
C}‘""‘"‘“°' ‘”'h‘’ "‘“““g’‘” ' -' fhus roni leiin an elecnieal
eoniplianee, saiery and loss “ram ant; inflfifin

eonlrol and lrarisporlaiion, mm m “I , Anefrb
,,GVEC has been my CVECi14)1l'm‘llp4)Ii‘imllrllltfvlzllollimlHlmllm,l( Wino » 1 [1 >- k - fly ‘ ‘
involved with educatlng all  if‘  
of the above-meniioned groups, as liold a sisier even: in the easiern region Elmfidt as hi; mam’ $9 vehicle
“"” “S ”““°“' ‘}“'““‘“ “‘ P“b““ *"‘““' D‘ “'9 Ensle PW‘ »~‘° they Set “be” and aeeideniall i mikes eonlaei wiili lhe
sinee ilie early 1980s As time has iinding a utility parlner easl of san downed “M ’ ‘ ’

passed, we have increased our saiery Anioruo to anolior ii

awareness and educatlon programs Anoilier nearby worker inimediaiely
Io inelude the electrical 'Areing sr Enter Bobby Chnatmnsi who Sen’ '‘ H‘ -1 calls 911, lriggering an emergency
saiery' dernonsiraiion and classroom nntunal Dvvnflnnlty to exlvnnd C‘/E95 response by law enfurtzment, are
presenlaiions " eledncel entety and trnnnns eumC“‘“"‘ and EMS personnel who enier

and use llie eveni as a velnele lo deliver lhg Wm mg “gym and mm

cliiisimas says L}‘:;h2Iu:IenCe reheponses ilieir message ID a much broader blmng From ‘his pom mwmd

are gratifying. " et er It's c ildren, audienee. Mr. chrislmas oiiered lo .' '
teenager‘ nr ndnltsr they alvvaye seem hD~‘t llie eveni al die CVEC jhumas A.  the
to gel involved in the presenlauons and coor Lineman Tmlnlng Facility, a huge “HEM bringing A mum dmm
30 way thinking of how important it i» tract of land loealed in Gonzales, Texas of “gm; (0 ‘hi Wham Ah‘ they an
to be saie around eleelrieiry" whirli provided «he necessary spaee Embming ‘M, mdm command’
ln 2ll14,Texassl1 and the Damage “mi ‘“““°"““‘"“ ‘° ““°‘“"“’“‘““ “ ihe iirsl responders realize Lhe power
Prevenlion couneils oi Texas expanded ‘We Scale ~ntety te~'|We‘- lines may still be energized, so Lhey
ilieir damage preveniion ouireaeli inio TD hsfldline me gagia pm East eoniael CVEC for assisianee, ai whieli

eveni, ilie GVEC ream wenl io time the responding GVEC crew’~'
s . Texzsall 201.8, issue a

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