Page 11 - Texas811 Magazine 2018 Issue 3
P. 11

communications with «heir 24/ 7 Control eenier are

broadcast to the audience as well

upon arrival, «he GVEC crew requests that «he GVEC B O A R DWA I‘ K

control ren«er de-energize «he affected power lines.

The control center responds to the crew «ha« «hey have

remotely opened the eirenil and lines are de-energized

— but are they? As the crew carehrlly approaches «he

vehiele, their personal voltage proximity detector PIPE‘-'NE PARTNERS’

(V-wa«eh) alens them that the line may still be

. d . .

*"°‘8'“ Boardwalk Pipeline Partners
The erew regroups and requests the control center , , ,

reopen «he circuit feeding the accident sotliey is committed to operating
can veriiy no amps, no voltage. The control een«er _ _ _

does as requested and «he crew then verifies with their pipeline assets in a safe,
V-watch and high voltage meter «ha« «he line is indeed _ _
dz-energized. reliable and compliant
Following lockout/Izgout procedures, «he GVEC . .

crew an  a ma opening a he line, a...a.... man ner and P|'°V'd"‘9
grounding ]umpers, clears «he Wires off of «he vehiele .

and assures First responders that the lines are dead the hlg hest IEVEI Of

and scene is safe for them to conduct their rescue and .

recovery. customer service.

"At every presentation, /‘ '°A‘°w"*K
we have pgo le lie 'us GULF SOUTH
testlmomu s 0 t 311‘ 
experiences and close calls.

Eadi ean.panen« of the one hour aeerden« reena:trnen|/ _ 3 5 04 ;u;wA._K ,
resene is explained to the audienre by GVEC safety , A  . la, .. . . l _
professionals and first responders elaborating on their 

individual roles in the incident response. ~*—~

Local ABC affiliate KAVU eavered the most reeen« ""°"""“"”"“"‘- “‘
event. You can see it here:

wnrmrrussmndstodny [DUI/SN7Y_l//38154349/Xfl5-[)fl?-fllld-


Iust as audiences for the Mock Line Strike scenarios

take away posinve reinforcement and learning  :.".‘::’.:..

experiences from seeing a gas pipeline "accident" """" ‘

happen before «heir eyes, so does the andienre for the 5

GVEC electrical safety demonstration. e

"Most people don't realize that safety is taken for k

granted and that accidents don't always happen |

ID everyone else," says Christmas. ”At every

presentation, we have people give us «esnnianials of ’

«heir experiences and close calls." pm maps |mgw_

Entering our fourth year of promoting u«ili«y and call hcfmvwdlsr
pipeline safety with the Eagle Ford East Safety Kr

Equipment Rodeo Roundup, TexasB11 and the Damage

Prevention Councils of Texas are proud to call GVEC

our partner in damage preveniian and invite other

elech-ie utility operators across «he great state of Texas

to follow their lead For additional information or to

pariinpa«e in an excavation safety day in your region,

got ID www dpa7fIern5 mm or mritact Doug Meeks at

dallgmIII<5@! .

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