Page 20 - Texas811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 20

ay/.1. Jacnbr

he human body .., according underground p.pes lo the b...1a..ags lines are usually gravity [mes and slope

1o Wxkxpzdm, about 1.0% water. when .1.s nncdnd. o..c2.11.ass=mo1 downward fxom the building Thu: gas

We cannot lwe without water .1. purposfl, meme (.1 not mo.-1) at 11.1. leaks, seeks 11.1 pa11. of 1e...-1 resislancn

13..1 1.... much Wfllcr m 1}.1- ......1-1 w|ll [cave 11.1 pm....s=s Lhmugh and rues Io Lhn: bunldmg. 1111... gas
wmng place can bn a my bad Ihmg underground ~'£wL‘r pipe. Vcry fnw pmssam .s cicapc from 11.1
Las-1 year .1 was hurncanc Hamy mumcxpal watnr p|p£~ and very few icwcz ~y~1L‘m (2 g., bubble Lhmugh a
ms year .1 was (and s1.u.s as 1 wnte sewer p.pes am wnllmaxkcd,11nd ”[”’ trap) and 11.: gas machna a source
11....) 1....1.c....e Flumncn 11 Sm-m~ as many an nun-mnlalhc T1..s makes of ignition, .... axplos-.o.a w|ll lnkcly
Lhougll Lhousand-year flood m..1s am occur.
““PP°“‘“g““"“"‘ °“°"' "“°“P'“" 7 " § , \ . s : 1 ;. The nEwa|acurrL‘nlly
pa..a1. mgardmg fload~ Movmgwalcr ‘ g. s ,1 ha; < ., e .

, _ . « < 1 1 .,..« Giant}!explouonilnM2I~aaC1'1ua2IIa.
.svowE.<ruL.: IfwaI£r|amnv1ng « WM ‘h \ I _ Y
acmssaroad,daNoro1..ve11..o..g}..1 4. 1 s. .3” 1“ ,, ‘° N“? "°‘°“““““

‘ 4. . 1 1 3 1 . (3 E zlppzmsnlly not the result uicxos~
...a11.sya.. am absolutely cnnam 11...1 .1 b _ U V V Lh _ R i I 1
 onlyaicw ...1..a.- dcep 11 you can't « ~ H , ; ‘ , » » 9 , °§€=r ‘=3 ff“ “:31 “.3” W
.m1r.e.o..d,yo..oa..'.bes..mya..1aa , , 551‘ fix ‘J;"~,. M;   ‘. §“‘“““‘“““‘°‘;“"“‘h“"" T‘ f
make .1. 11 .s 1.112 tlymg to beam ..a... . . . ) . ~ “"l‘“5.°‘““"’“ ‘“ “‘""“ YP“”°
a.a1m.-s...g. liyou dorfltbeal 11.2 5 511 33;. ‘-5 1 My  1' “P °“"’“°‘
1mm, Lhc 11a... will must. you. vehicle ' ' V‘ ‘ " . Bottom Imc: Wale: sa1=1y.s a LOT
everylime. Do not let moving water I E 3 W E F ,1 Q 2 more 1han, aba..1..s...g
1....a yo..1oa....1oas..b...a..n1vz ~ v ' w * --  1.11 ]ackct and learning 1o swm.
:}.am§ovod.yl:no.1.r$\.]F1o.eaoed mm (mfimh mocm Whmmppm BC awam oryo..1s.‘.'..o..ao1.a;;sana,

““ “ ‘“ 3’ *5“ ° ‘““ ‘“" ‘"5 when gas mm. are mplaced orncw g... "b°"“ “'1 BE 5*‘”‘3- U
"‘“"P"‘“'“ ““ °“PP‘‘“‘' ‘“"“ Tm‘ 1...“ am ....-1.111-av ma vb:
andIa...oo..aae..1.}.a1a.}.1.s1a1es b t’md“n‘ kW’,m’m‘1_O"zDm;l
amaswell n.a1sa.o1,.1isaLoTo1 d§'mhDml§l'nFl’H“ (EDD) H [mm Iphnlmbzrm~df~mFHM5A
WmkmdcanuPfl,[e”mfl‘mflOnd> ammhm “Enid uh-“mr‘>mm“fi mq..1s1.o..smomm..1s,ms.1
W“ “‘ ”°“°“’“ ‘"9 “"1 “‘°"“““5 fur water ufsnwrsr 1..aLs 1o be 11...... £11 ””""l"'(“5l"g'°b"' W
"°‘“ H“"°V’ "“"“‘”‘°“ 5”’ nHDD.s..s§a a 1.o..ommo.. cafigd I
hydrated. 11 you an o..1..d1 wurkmg flWbm’D n’my'D(fm Ammbm
in tzmpntraturm above 72 dcgxtvs, you ’ V ’ _ I I 2 2
Pwbflblywombc nun ‘D dmkm accumwhenlhs d..n...g1ao1passas a n 5 n 7 a n 2 a
through a wnlcx [Inc or .. ~2wnzr lme. ,

"‘“‘}“""‘°" T““°"°‘1“°“”"““‘“‘° The 1...... L‘loaw1lex line .s ° 2 7 E 3 5
mo~qum.v mpzllant, gloves, saidv 9

V .1. over 11.1,...“ Damage NW1. 5%
gnassos and whatever other personal mm H much mm Pmbkmflm SEW“ 2
  a nun
“PP'°P"“'"» so11a...aga...ay;.a11.e.......ea1.a.a.y 2 H3“
w1.a1e1sa .s Lhezn 1.. worry ..pp-‘rent T?-C ~'It-mlmn becomes ;‘ 
w.11. respect 1o walcr? 11.1 .s potable cnucal whenIhcg11~l1n2cau~'a~'a 5 
(d,;nkabk,wo1c1,.1has1o meet clog m 11.: anwer lmn and 21 plumber 3 5 9
punty 1.. ...b.... amas, .1...ov1-s the dog, thereby damaging 11.2 
mmlpolablc wa1c.1....m1s11..o..g}. gas1...c. Gas .s 1.31.1“ than a... Sewer

.5. Temsall 201.5, as...

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