Page 22 - Texas811 Magazine 2020 Issue 1
P. 22

— -
5- - j J
by Inhn Iambl
Happy 2020.
. ll ah.-.1 xcpclns will he issiieil
lot happened lasrycar V but Augiiselsl one peismi was killed‘ ”‘"“'“ Y‘ , _ 1
-I was a relatively Safe WV (3 pcmplc were Iic.s1iie.ilize:i and 75 "C" ’°¥“'““°"‘ ‘““>’ W "‘“>’ "°‘ ‘"5" "
for P‘P1‘]"“'5 T1~vN-we-la] residentsevacuated.Thlsparutular 1mm 31151151311 mm 11m_mga1m.§
. . 3
TYfi"5P°"‘““°“ fiafctr 13v-1"‘ Imc had an clcctrlc llaslweleleel scam Wm 1“ EN 11 11.1g1,1~ and 1,1 11, 311,11

INTSBIU-11!i"\t‘5U§aI<d‘“‘° P‘P1‘]‘"° and was Cflatfld W\[|] ml (a! but‘ as or 11111111 M11111” (;1.m 1111.112 \\c1\LL
accidents. Fnrsn -1 winch mm-'a| gas January A.‘10lO. NTSB had um released mm mm1ms_ 111 say 1,_. an [mugs
main at lhe Cflnllflruon [CI .1 .Q—inc1w mam am. 1,1.c11m1,,1.,,y 11",11,,gs_ 111“ 11m 1111 11 m ,11, 1,11,. W11,‘ W
Ibofh I1‘-‘WI “fig “‘=*‘1"1{"%°“  *'*_"“1"“' 01m1,1,s11._ 11111.2 Wm mmy 1,11,“. probably would Hm. The same goes to.-
"“"’°“t"'“°.‘ ""“"‘ ‘"53 mp ‘C i eli.iegeeide.iesiiizmg Ichoscthcsc rlnngswvdld Holdu-

eahleiiisah mheised. 1|1c]c.lkcaug]u pp h I ‘uhuwo Md ‘ h I‘ H‘ d [I m W
li.-e hiil (hare\\'crcnoin]m'lcs.T11cxc Lwol “a1‘1‘1’<:o“1dlmVCIi']“" 'lI]lc mtom Indie — [|[_\ In ":o"1‘fD%.‘a»b]c
was .iii L‘VaL‘L\a[l0fl and semee lo sc\'L‘ra| yr:-V 141 -Thaw“ thclwor iiailyoiiwoiil \\|D[ ee Lid‘ 1 M or
hundred cusmlncxs was lL‘nIpm‘dl‘l1y -nut “D11 V »[h|1w dm»;lmuld exp alI1Iljg\\’1a[‘1a]?|)Cn1C11 :1 1 y
cuxtalllcd. second .1 30'i|\C|1'dlan|L‘[Cl' even age re: :3-C“ 11: do 111mm even WGISC — to 19... Inn 0!.

namr-=1 as M‘-'ms"“s»<i°" P‘P“]‘"° ‘mm ° W" M 1 ' One Hutu iek with PIIMSA: .’\hou(

E 1 aL‘CldL‘nt<11aVL‘lnCDm|1'\Dn." One was P
""|‘““’°d “"“ “‘“31“fi"'?h"“‘ 35‘“‘]°" . 1 1 . 1’ 51,1311 11131111111. 1“11C1,11,c 1" this lime lasl year. l"|lMSA i-emm-ed
so\IA}I\\-estofLL‘xll1gton.I\cnt\Ic|(y on 11.; mm was Iargc1adK;"‘m‘sm] an 11“ inspmm P1_omo1s1__m111§
‘ V » We m 312,311,311 weh sileaiid SWl[C:1C:i‘.l:Dl'a]1platgtal
1 1.111.311.1113,-11m,,,1_V 1» what In :‘:l1lL:!InC an
1 tolnlnonclcmcms lliucgrimd -nspclcngxy (A Jpwfiss»
1 3 1 1 11 1 me L‘Cn\nV0\'C mhiim e
1 1  fi1:1:‘“f‘:11,"f1',,“:1.1 flf[]1C§L"‘n?'\\’" nexeieisels 
- that hfl(11lI1VUlVCd pdstyca-2 n "'3' lwso-Ia op ~
Before YOU. dlg, 1,311,111 ENM1 pllllhix mlsscd ilieheai vheli A1115‘
1 . . 111,11, ,C_.111md 111 dL‘L‘l§|fIn. Them process is .-. L01 d
114 ‘  111.11 1,111 1,11“, ......-ewui-llmhelliiliei.ispeeleis....
1 I 11,,,1,,,,,,, 1111,11,“: iliepipelihe11111-ale.-s. Ih.iv1c I10[[]SL‘Cn
- 1\,1,1311DY, 3,1111 a\\_\‘mL‘aI1l1\g u lnIp|‘0VCmL‘|\ in IC
, . , f l . .. J .i
’1 1 Pipeline salely starts domcanN()B()DY outcomcso he-nwwm-\= uv my
' " ' " ‘ from the ground up. is happy that “V” °°“‘’
' (hm M-“S wilh .-espeei [D Xulcnlakings. lhe
ow-rr=d- llazdrdmus Liquid Rulcniakitlg and
511 1 ihefiisl pmxtion oH]1c(}as".\/lcga
 311:1" rlule we.-e puhllshcd. Both take el-leei
1 11fm,1m nflxtjuly lsl. Theie is HIDXC (ocalnc
. 1 5 1 rcgaxdn\gA11cGasMcgaflulc. lild
“"‘”" ”“"11’,“}h"'1'“'°  mi envy> l\d\'isory
Y“ “'9 5 E 3”" 11,11111Smv_,111 CmI|n|lHL‘L‘(G|"l\(I)m'|"HMSA.
-. -7 . . V , co-nplvwlm-' Fmdllv withl‘L‘s1CC[l0|‘L‘a\Il]1o|‘lZflHOIL
H-:.., A1,—~ 1 . . .1 l ,
1 I ‘ l 1 L; U E“ '"‘"' "1',1",:',‘;'1:1‘1:,1",’( 5x\\'c»m-sat-Dnwnd rcs(ass\|l'cd(|1a((11cxc\\'i]1hehcanngs.
l,’ .4 ‘e. U mmumum -dam-f.\'mmm' Pll.\‘SV\ will lieieaiilhoiizeel vH\d[11a[
--We -W C-‘um pipelines wlll CUHHIILIL‘ Au be .-egulaleil
for each alwdcllfl by l‘|ll\‘lS.‘\ and P|ll\‘lS.‘\< slaee pallncls
[P|ll\‘lS.‘\ ‘ARE .1 ol V V _
B“ m1,_.“11a,m1.1, Ln[1]nL‘Xl[IH|L‘.bC§fifL‘ nut lheiell fly
~1I'»  I’I‘P°"1'1‘°_‘"‘_“‘°“"‘ Mm liimlii ilvliilumliiil PHMSA
“'e;ir::";:“,:... 1-1 Vi gnu exam lAYV{]HL'iI!lHZiN’(‘lVIHH1l!Zl“,l'HMl’
"“‘°““3“"“%) 3"“ yarlllllfltlslvrglabzll iiel
20. relssm 2520 Issue}

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