Page 7 - Texas811 Magazine 2018 Issue 4
P. 7

.y.lem. T112 excavator .~ee. red, yellow D 21 means of idcnllfymg llm.-e l 7 I‘

and orange marks en the ground and nxcava|or~ who have iallnd to reque.-r 

b .Lh vk .l 1. h‘ . 1.(ll' 1 ‘ l V
wif'l'§’m§L‘£L§‘n§.°£e'§J .‘,‘.Ir"rE;l‘.‘§I..2‘ §§’,§r"r’.‘S£e5n‘.“lZe‘..§’r“e'.,“fi,‘u‘l"u‘i‘.L'I" “E V;  ,,

cnd result l. dnnkmg wa|£r dawn the pmmsa and euuld potentially re.ull |n '\ ' ‘ :‘

atunn dram bcfnm you can .ell It to lnrmaicd revenue. , ‘
yuurcudnmcn. andthc potcnlmlfur _ _ ,.x u'‘‘

“E0 t“ b° knmkmg a‘ W W ,':.“..’.‘l,Ti°e“e‘i"§.,'c‘.fl§.1.§§§i‘i‘2L°iZK3?" V/’ =1 9,;
Recuvmg locale requm. Lhmugh one of llre most em cffnctivn mnlhods K _ ‘ ~\
;‘;i§:;;:::::‘::::;:::::;;.,‘;:  Lu '1 l yr} vl
auuxcc. [I you eur-remly rely on the that other dnnkmg water pmvldcxs am '

cxtavalox to call your uulltv drreelly almady parllclpallng In the Teragzll ;:« r

for facility locale.-, eon.-rder the fact nuuficallun .y.lem and achmvlng 53;’ 5 ’,'§

that they am not mqumsd by date spnctacular re.-ulls. For example, llre xx \’ O I
law to do so. Tllle 5, Chaptnr 251 my of Fort Wunh wmer uullry mduccd 3

of Lhc Texm Uulme. corle Inquires tlurd party damage to llrerr ~y~tnm by . y . or . »
EZ§“§$3S§."§§.'r§i1JIZf§'§.T§5}$"’ ‘Ir.“§3?i’l3,’.i".§,,7nZr§ rI3.Zl'3‘}'l£13.2‘I{" ’°" , .. . v’ ‘- < ’ -*v
uuhty opI:ratur~ not purllelpmrugku _ _  ’ 7, i '1 1' A

[hr 811 ~_y~mm_ Takmg advamflgfl of In cloung. parllclpallon In the TLxaa811 x 3 O _‘ I ‘

_ _ nu|Ificr1l|nn ayalcm and localmg - -  .- .
llu. legal mqulremcnl prcalznh llre . ~. an l
V _ underground ahead of v 3.

drmkmg water pmvldnr wul. a hlghu .

‘ml of Comm! at muting damgn eumlrueuor. r. 21 luudumenlal wuler _ ‘._ y\

lo» control meaium. It Is not unly «he 3 \ I

by thud partv exe.wulur.. If Vmlr nty ~
mmmly mm on a Pmmmng pmm smart Lhmg Io du;ln~t1m ught (lung - x

to |denl|iycxCa\‘r1loxs working nnax “'1‘"‘ " °""‘“” ‘°d"’°f§f"‘5 "‘“’ ’“°" _ . _

yuur llne~, I'm curtmn Lhac you’vc eume P‘“°°“’ ‘°‘“"‘‘’ '9' - , V,‘ ,

lo the reallzalmn lhatnot eyeryborly IS Ful'l1ridiIlulmlitlfilrrll/zfiutl,Imlmfemsflll urg ‘5 I p
ru'[u£~nng .1 pcxmlt. An B11 notlficauon ' 

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. 3 :1, !4.’:(“" 83.5% of_
- . .. _i* ‘ -32". 811 Magazine
.1 .- M -
, » ~-.v readers are
“  ‘ excavators and
,,_ ' 7 yes. you can
'4 r e a c h t h e m
fo r l e s s t h a n
: ‘ ' l r 5 c e n t s .
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2015 Issue A rexsssu . 5

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