Page 9 - Texas811 Magazine 2019 Issue 3
P. 9

beyond stale llnes and even natiimal borders Far 3 O A g DWA L K

example, DPC DE Texas ldentlfled the need for expanded

outreach in some cases where excavators coming in

to Texas to wurk were presenting challenges to local

utility operators. In other cases, rmdstream operators

whose pipelines traversed the l-erinian Basin trorn the .

Texas Gulf Cuasl into New Mexico requested additlnnal  

oiitreach, providing opportunities tor us to work closely

with “W. “.".w.c° 811- And “M W ”N° BDHW Boardwalk Pipeline Partners
outreach initiative was burn, extending the reach at

DPC DE Texas lmn New MEXICD and the Mexican state ui ‘ ‘ '
Chflmh_m> IS committed t0 operating
originating in the El Paso region, the l-aso del Norte plpellne assets In a safe,
chapter recognized the need to coordinate with adjacent , ,

cities as a slgnificant number at excavators working in rel [able a nd complla nt

El Paso come from Las Cruces, New Mexico and Ciudad . '

Iuarez, Chihuahua. The local dlapter works In bring    
excavators and uperators from these cities into El Pasu _

county where our quarterly meetings typically draw the ["9 hgst |eVe| of

between 60-10!) anendees And whlle "Call Befure You I

CUSIOITICI’ service.
fl I O A I D WA I. K
mag reventlon Council GULF S0 
of Texas

Dig” is not a common practice in Mexico, we are able —VL—j— "PENN
to impart sate excavation best practices to our member _ ‘, 3 0‘ RDWALK ,
counterparts Gas Natural de Juarez and other Iuarez , A  . Li, .. . . l _
municipal iitilities that they apply in their own city ot ‘ 

1.3 mllliim citizens. In 2018, the annual Paso del Nnrte ~*:~

Excavation satety Day drew 200 attendees which holds -cnotaiaiicttmi-is. it:
the current title as the largest excavation satety testival

among the 23 chapters and to our knuwledge, the only

bl-national event ot this type in the world.


The Permian Basin and Snutli Plains Chapters '|“5"'|‘5“'|-“I

reeugnlzed the need fur addiriunal uutreach in

southeastern New Mexico to help protect the large  :.".‘::’.:..

transmission pipelines that cross into that region, so ""*" '

they partnered with New Mexico 811 to create the 5

Southeastem New Mexico DPC based in the Hubbs/ ’

Carlsbad region. This recently tormed DPC now serves 1

as a sister Drganizatlon to the Permian Basin and Suuth

Plains chapters and typlcally draws more than 100 .

attendees to their ln-rnonthly iaieetings. ,

ln closing, it ynuharz geadlgmig’ this ailiclde, you are the ‘ a's hmw_

type o person w o s Du e Invu ve in regiona Mm d ’
chapter iaieetings Furevery "problem" with 811 and M l9
underground tacility protection there is a solution, so

become a pan of that solution and get involved. Dates

and locations ot regional chapter meetings can be toiind

at www.dpco];‘z'x115.a1g To see photos and videos ot

our damage prevention outreach effurts, tollow iis on

Faeebclok at wwmfncehaok cam/dpctrraa/ I

2019, Issue a Telmsslx . 7

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